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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. B

    new to forum and muzzleloading

    There have been a lot of $800 parts sets turned into $400 dollar rifles by people who didn't know what they were doing. Far better off to learn to shoot a flintlock, gain some experience as to how they're put together and operate and doing research on exactly what you mean by a "Revolutionary...
  2. B

    Vented drums or pat. breech?

    Seems like a solution in search of a problem. If you have reliability issues there's some other problem that needs to be fixed.
  3. B

    32 cal. powder charge

    I shoot 20gr FFFg Goex in mine. Keeps the ball within an inch of the sights out to 50 yds and has been the most accurate charge.
  4. B

    3F in Pedersoli .54 Frontier

    FWIW, Not the same rifle (Mortimer) but same caliber (.54) , twist (1:65) and manufacturer (Pedersoli). Think I have 7 grooves vice 8 in yours. 80gr FFFg Goex, drill patch, .530 ball seem to work pretty well in mine. Bottom hole is a 3 shot 50 yd group, #'s 1,2 + 3 are 100 yds...
  5. B

    Flintlock vs Percussion #'s

    If an offer to shoot my flintlock gets refused, I usually follow up with a "Deep down inside you really do." Amazing how many people go, "yeah, I really do" and end up trying it.
  6. B

    Hang fire question

    A duplex load in this instance refers to dropping about 10gr real BP down the barrel before loading the substitute powder. If you have access to real BP, it would just be easier to use that for pan and main charge rather than dealing with the substitutes, especially one that is out of...
  7. B

    Flintlock vs Percussion #'s

    In the PNW I would guess it's less than 1% flintlocks in the hunting fields. I've never seen anybody but me using one. The competitive paper punchers have flintlocks but they don't use them unless there's a designated flintlocks only relay. Any open relays they use percussion. Trail walks at...
  8. B

    Wogdon's bent barrels

    Now I think you're getting into conservation of angular momentum, which is getting way outside my wheelhouse. Does bring up the interesting phenomenon of the gun rotating around the bullet. Same reason helicopters need tail rotors. Guess if we really measured it, we'd find the sights also need...
  9. B

    Wogdon's bent barrels

    You'll also note the slow motion starts with the hammer already down so it's kind of hard to tell if there's any muzzle rise or not since the time of primer ignition doesn't appear to be captured in this film. That and you're suspending Newton's third law of motion. Given the small increments...
  10. B

    Velocity/Trajectory queation

    That was just a swag on my part to get a ball park figure. Like I said, plug in more precise numbers for sight height, POI etc with a 100 yd zero and work backwards to get a velocity estimate.
  11. B

    Velocity/Trajectory queation

    Nothing mysterious going on there. I plugged 1700 fps and a 100 yd zero, .5" sight height into my RB calculator and it says POI at 50 yds is 3.3" and 2.8"s at 75. Your rifle appears to be zeroed for 100 yds. If you can plug in a more precise sight height and POI's at 25,50 and 75 yds you can...
  12. B

    Velocity/Trajectory queation

    So you're saying it's hitting to the same POI at 50, 75 and 100 yds? Ball only crosses the line of sight twice, not three times.
  13. B

    Balls and overpowder cards

    In the FWIW category, while working up loads for one of my .54's I was having some issues with the patch burning thru. Tried a 20ga felt wad over the powder and accuracy improved pretty radically. Kept experimenting and eventually came up with a patch material/thickness that worked without the...
  14. B

    failure to ignite cap?

    Getting out in the weeds, but an overly long lock screw can protrude thru the lock plate and interfere with hammer fall. Also over tightened bridle screws can slow things down as well.
  15. B

    Gathering Info on Smoothbores

    20 ga, .600 ball, normally patched, cotton .010", no wads, FFFg Goex, 70gr Note: have been known to wad with rhododendron leaves on trail walks (don't ask), but not my normal practice. Lots of "it depends on what I'm doing" here. Size 9's to 6's depending on what I'm doing. Lead shot or...
  16. B

    patch lubing procedure

    Place patch on tongue. Dump powder down barrel, slap rifle a couple of times, remove damp patch and place over muzzle. Only time I have trouble with over lubing is if somebody is cooking bacon while I'm loading.
  17. B

    What's in your range box?

    Yeah, with me it's more like "What's NOT in my range box." Hadden seems to have covered it pretty well. Only thing I bring that I don't see on his list is a "shield" to fasten to the bench when shooting my flintlock. Only reason I have that is because it's a range requirement.
  18. B

    canvas shooting bag

    The two I have work fine and hold up pretty well. Occasionally have to resew a pocket or something but that's about it.
  19. B

    Most Power By Volume Swiss 4f is coarser than US 4f (very bottom table) so it's not as fast burning. Notice their 4f pistol load is only for the single shot pistol and maxes out at 12 gr. Their #2 (3f) is recommended when moving up to 16 gr. Revolvers also get a #2...
  20. B

    Whey too much powder!!!

    Like BB and trent said, one person's "too much" powder is another person's "won't work for what I want to do." Yeah, I wish I could shoot 20gr FFFg in everything I own but it just ain't practical except for the squirrel rifle. Need at least 70gr to get the .58 and one of my .54's to group. The...