08 EPR

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40 Cal.
Mar 1, 2007
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Does any one know how I can get more information about the 08 EPR (Eastern Primitive Rondy.) I know that it's in northern Ohio but I can't find anything else.
I don't know a whole bunch about it. It will be held near the sit of the '06 Old NW. In fact the parking area a few miles north of the site is part of the EPR '08 grounds. It will be off rt.43 between Carrollton and Malvern, Oh. It's a very nice site actually. On a place called Snodes Farms. I think this is the place...
No EPR info, but good directions.
:thumbsup: Eastern Primitive Rendezvous
September 22-30, 2007
Location: Muddy Run Park, Holtwood, PA
Booshway: Cheryl Gallagher, RR1, Box 524, Canadensis, PA 18325
Phone: 570-840-7788
Email: [email protected]
URL:[url] http://www.epr2007.net[/url]
NRLHF Pre-Registration Form. NMLRA membership is NOT required. Pre-registration forms must be post-marked no later than 30 days before the start of the rendezvous. All pre-registrations that are postmarked after the 30-day deadline will be returned to sender. Early set up Sept. 19th. Shooting matches, primitive archery, children's school and activities, Dutch Oven bake-off, hawk & knife events. Sutler area open to the public everyday 9am - 4pm. Entire encampment open Sept. 23 & 24. Scheduled school day, & senior citizen day.
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07 is at the Muddy Run site, 08 will be in Ohio, hopefully not in the same field as the ONWTPR . The parking area was a better rendezvous site than where the site was placed.