1851 Accuracy?

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kevthebassman said:
If I am able to get accuracy with a 40 grain load, that's what I'll carry in the woods. I hunt in Jefferson (Metherson) county in Missouri, and an encounter with a tweaker is not out of the question.
I think in a situation as this you'll be pretty well out gunned. I'm a big fan of C&B guns, but I'd pack a cartridge gun if I knew my life may depend on it.
I have shot 40 grains in my .54 Hawken pistol, and I can tell you, it is a mighty load. I have also loaded 40 grains in my .45 Colt, and again I can tell you it is more than most people would enjoy.

Colt tried 40 grains for a short while then cut the factory loads back to 30 grains. 30 grains of BP is still a respectable load in the .45, and personally speaking would be the max that I would use in a .44 C&B. I traded my .36 off, but used about 20 grains in it at the time. I made a powder measure from a .30 Carbine cartridge, that worked just right. It always worked, and I didnt ever measure it.

I am with you Mike. The romantics of the Black Powder is fine--at the rondy. However in real life, that C&B will only result in a romantic death. I like to avoid trouble, so personally, I would just avoid those woods. If I just absolutely had to go in, I would be carrying my combat .45. Be courteous, be professional, be prepared to kill everyone you meet--old marine saying.
Well, the problem is that the #*&$ Missouri Department of Conservation has written their rules so that even someone with a CCW permit cannot carry a firearm, even a pistol for personal protection, out of firearms season if you are in the woods hunting.

I would happily avoid these woods if I were a rich man and could hunt anywhere, but I'm not, and this is the only place I have to hunt unless I get drawn for a managed hunt, and then I REALLY won't be able to carry.

Generally speaking, your run of the mill tweaker isn't armed. We get them coming off the river every once in a while, and they're usually just passing through.

Now, back before the shed on our place was smashed by a tree, we were a bit more nervous because of cookers. They would come off the river and set up shop and cook up a batch. Never on our place, but you could never be too careful. These are the really dangerous ones, because cookers have money for guns and have something to defend.

The quandary I run into is that I want to keep myself defended while staying within the bounds of the law.

As for recoil, I don't anticipate there being a problem. I shoot a .44 Mag fairly regularly and with accuracy.
I've never used the corn meal (or Cream of Wheat) but using wads seems to give me better accuracy than loading a ball right on the powder. Maybe the filler does the same thing.
Well, had a bit of time for a range session today. Took my Navy out and ran some 40 grain loads through it. Accuracy was fairly good at 25 yards, most certainly good enough for the original purpose the gun was built for

Point of impact was different than the 20 grain load though, sadly. The high and left tendency of the 20 grain load is more pronounced when the charge is doubled, but that's nothing that can't be fixed with some filing.

Unfortunately, the weather here cut my range session short..... the storm that moved in dropped a tornado not 40 miles away, so I'm glad I got off when I did. I'll have to put some more work in before I start filing away.