Well I just got off the phone with the lovely lady at The Rifle Shoppe and ordered the steel version. They were out of the brass. She said they ship on Fridays. Fingers crossed she meant this Friday.
Thanks for the compliment sir,,, but that thing is a plain as an old hound dog.Well I just got off the phone with the lovely lady at The Rifle Shoppe and ordered the steel version. They were out of the brass. She said they ship on Fridays. Fingers crossed she meant this Friday.
Wasn't to difficult. Selected a piece of wood and cut a half octagon grove. The breech plug I inlayed into the rear flat and folded someWulf, That thing is too cool! Makes me wanna find a crappy old barrel with a drum on ebay. I really like how you made that.
Oh where, oh where has Bill's gonn-e gonn-a, oh where , oh where can it be?Dale, 'tis a sign of wisdom, according to Proverbs, which probably 'splains why I haven't much.
Sorry, but I just now noticed your question. Just my 2¢ worth, but I opted to not get the S lever b/c, for me, I thought it would open a door to a possible dangerous situation with the slow match. I figured I could always add it. Consider, though, I'm a RSO, so I might overthink safety a bit. I find the punk much easier than the match and the fuse better than the punk. So now I see I don't need the lever. Orient about 3" of fuse to 3 o'clock, light it, and you have time to adjust your hold and sight down the barrel.On another note, do any of you have that S shaped lever on your Gonne? If so do you prefer it over a fuse, holding a match or punk stick? I figure at only 30 bucks (if that's still the price) it might be worth a shot (pun intended) .
So much fun! As a side note, a 3/32" touch hole was pretty common in large bores, all the way up to & including the flint era.That makes sense. I still have to drill my touch hole to 3/32 so my fuse will fit. That's a good tip on orienting the fuse like that. I do find myself watching the touch hole more than looking down the barrel. The thing is too dang much fun though. My son and I have burned through every .530 ball I had. I gotta cast up some more. I'm gonna try a handful of shot in it too.