3 more (gettin tired of them yet?)

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Carl is just jealous...as usual. :grin:

His only talent is disrupting this forum...and it's a gift of his that just keeps on giving.

Not one forum protocal was breeched when that original post was made. Nothing was even hinted at that anything was for sale.

A true Craftsman posted his work and some of us are appreciative of the opportunity to admire his skill....nothing more.

Hey Carl, why don't you join in the fun and show us some of the talent that you have.... :hmm:
I see a different type of talent being displayed. Very, very sad to watch.

Onward and upward, terrific knives! Show us many more. You're planting all sorts of ideas and designs, and I thank you for that. :hatsoff:

I'm just tired of the Dog and Pony show that Carl constantly put's on.

Worse part is watchin' a "One trick Pony".... :yakyak:
Here you go beaverman and double d!


Fellas i aint worried about what snarl thinks!
the fact that he is whining tells me i am ready to start making them to sell.
I am far from a knife maker, i cant hold a candle to some of the fellas on this forum! I am still but a student, with lots of help from some very generous people(on this forum)i am able to scratch out a few blades here and there. Thank all of you for your support and kind words! :v

This in no way an advertisement, and does not reflect the views of the forum members or its moderators. :wink:
Hey, that's right!

He accused you of being a pro. Therefore it must be true.


You have a bright future ahead of you. :hatsoff:
Thats one of the nicest vine patterns I`ve seen..You have a real talent..

beautiful work! I like the shape of blades, the file work and the finish. Keep making them and keep posting pics. :thumbsup:

I say, let the REAL moderators decide on what's considered advertising. GW
James...Thanks for posting the pic's..Never enough...Keep them coming!..You have 3 lucky boy's for sure!
Tired of them??? Heck, Lonehunter, I didn't know it was possible to get tired of looking at such fine quality knives.
I Love the Pics on all the stuff the guys Make. They give me Ideas. and some times when you are working on something and you start scrathing your head :hmm: over where to go with the progect you see what someone else did and get inspired Thanks All :thumbsup: :hatsoff:
I vote that you and all makers keep posting your work. I am a knife maker and far from being a pro. Seeing the work of other makers always inspires me to improve my work.
Old Knfmkr said:
I vote that you and all makers keep posting your work.
It's not up to the members to "vote". It's a matter of whether the commercial "craftsman" are doing an end-run around the rules, by displaying every new product they make, under the guise of "sharing". Granted, most craftsman here are not pros, but some are.

No, I'm not trying to be a moderator, but don;t you all care about the forum and it's rules, or only the one's that suite you?

Obviously, Claude is avoiding this issue.
Carl Davis said:
Obviously, Claude is avoiding this issue.

So are the rest of us. Because it doesn't apply.

The guy's not commercial, and you shot yourself in the foot in accusing him.

Let it rest. :dead:
Amatuer, pro, or in between. It is Claudes call, and not yours. With as many problems as you seem to have with this board, members on this board, and apparently Claudes judgement of how to run this board, why are you still on this board?

I've wondered the same thing myself. In this case, Carl went to far...and owes the original poster an apology for not only making false accusations about him...but doing so with the sole intent of completely disrupting his thread.

That's the one "Talent" that Carl frequently shares...if you can call boorish behavior a talent.

Questioning Claude's judgement is way over the top....
no,no,Carl owes me NOTHING! :shake:
I make knives because i like to! If he has a problem with that, its his problem. I feel complimented that my knives look good enough that he thinks i am a vender! :hmm: Maybe its time!
Being that most buckskinners craft there own gear, and have sold or bartered them, that would make us all PROS. Heaven forbid that Mike not be allowed to show one of his guns or Swampy his bags.If someone states " Hey if you want to buy or trade for this get in touch with me" then there might be reason to get your shorts all wadded up. But if another member see's something that someone makes or crafts and then contacts them privately, wheres the problem. This seems to be a subject that really sticks in your craw and to be honest, it's about the only thing you post about. If it bothers you so much, why don't you just ignore the forum, then you wouldn't get so worked up. Seeing as you don't have to much else to offer it would be a win ,win situation. I don't normally allow my blood pressure to get this elevated,but it's this kind of :bull:that keeps me from participating very much on the forum. Normally I pick and choose carefully what and to whom I post. But IMO this should be nipped in the bud.

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