After much deliberation I think I have my eyes set on an investarms Santa Fe hawken in .36 cal as a new small game/varmint rifle. Primarily for squirrel and rabbit with a round ball. I'd love to hear peoples experiences and opinions on .36 cal for hunting, and especially your thoughts on this particular model or general thoughts on investarms quality and reliability. I've managed to find a couple threads about .36 cal hunting and one on this rifle, but more info is always appreciated. Watch your top knots.
Here’s my thoughts, on the .36 and it’s neighbors:
The .36 calibre is a great little calibre for punching paper and taking small game. It packs a lot of punch for its size. It has such energy that I’ve often downloaded my hunting loads, to limit meat damage to small game. I’ve used the .36 to take game up to the size of coyotes. I’ve not afraid to shoot and harvest game out to 75 yards.
The .32 calibre is a premium small game calibre. I’ve found this calibre to be a finicky calibre, it doesn’t take much to change point of impact, shot to shot. The diminutive .32 will teach you how to consistently load your rifle….it’s an incredibly accurate gun, as long as you’re able to consistently load each shot. My little .32 will shoot 1/2” groups at 50 yrds. I have taken lots of squirrels and rabbits with the .32, it just shines as a small game firearm…it’s the blackpowder equivalent to the .22 LR (...maybe the .22 Magnum.)
For the last 8 to 10 years, my goto calibre has been the versatile little .40 calibre. In my state, I can use the little .40 to take deer sized big game. Inside of 75 yards, it’s a solid deer calibre, and it doesn’t need a huge diet of powder and lead to punch a tag. The beauty of the .40, in my opinion, is that I can also use this sweet shooting gun to take small game on the regular. I use a heavy denim patching material, or a cotton dutch canvas, and a .375 RB. This combination of thick patching and ball shoots tight groups and performs on par with the .36 calibre. So yeah, beware the man that shoots one gun, he probably knows how to use it.