4F Black Powder

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Thanks everyone. I was at the range today and used the film canister ground BP with good results. One of the guys came over and we talked for awhile. He said he had two cans of 4F and no use for it so guess what. Next weekend he's bringing me a can. So things occassionally work out. Uncrichie.
uncrichie said:
Thanks everyone. I was at the range today and used the film canister ground BP with good results. One of the guys came over and we talked for awhile. He said he had two cans of 4F and no use for it so guess what. Next weekend he's bringing me a can. So things occassionally work out. Uncrichie.
Sounds like the planets are all aligned for you...

PS: If you don't have one of those little pan primers made for 4F, they are excellent for the medium sized locks like a TC...has a plunger dispenser tip that drops exactly 3grns in the pan each time and it's perfect for the size pan on a TC lock
RB, I got one of those pen type primers. It is pretty neat. Question, after I load and open the pan to prime I notice that there is already about 3-4 grains of my 3F load powder that has come out of the flash bushing into the pan. It wasn't a problem before because it was almost like a self prime. Now that I have 4F I brushed the pan out before adding the pen prime. Do you block the flash bushing with anything while loading to prevent the powder from entering the pan? Uncrichie.
uncrichie said:
RB, I got one of those pen type primers. It is pretty neat. Question, after I load and open the pan to prime I notice that there is already about 3-4 grains of my 3F load powder that has come out of the flash bushing into the pan. It wasn't a problem before because it was almost like a self prime. Now that I have 4F I brushed the pan out before adding the pen prime. Do you block the flash bushing with anything while loading to prevent the powder from entering the pan? Uncrichie.
Did you mean to say 3-4 GRAINS...or did you mean to say 3-4 kernels? 4 grains is almost a full pan.

I use TC's new style vent liners which have a large hole size an eyelash smaller than 5/64"...and if I seat a ball with authority, the air pressure will blow a few kernels out of the vent...but not 3-4 grains...what size is the vent hole in your liner?
Track of the wolf has those plunger fittings for sale so you can put one on your own antler, or whatever other container you would like to use to hold your priming powder. I have a very small priming horn that serves the purpose.

I am hoping he is talking about granules, ( or kernals) and not actual 3-4 grains of powder.

Yes, you can put your vent pick, or a toothpick in your touch hole to keep powder from blowing out the vent when you are seating the PRB on the powder. ( or an OP wad, or filler, on the powder). Since you need to open a hole into the main powder charge so that your priming powder's flame and heat reach more than one granule at the opening of the vent, putting your pick in the touch hole before pouring in the powder must makes good sense. I have a bad habit of dropping and losing my vent picks, so I have tied my pick to my bag strap, and can't be putting it into the vent while loading the rifle. I close the frizzen, and that generally keeps the amount of powder that might be blown out of the vent to a minimum. Depending on the lock, and the shape of the frizzen, and the relative location of the vent hole to the frizzen, that may not work in other guns. Use a separate pick, or toothpick( they're cheap) to plug your vent.
RB, I would guess about a fifth to a quarter of the pan gets filled with some of the charge powder when I seat the ball. The reason I said 3-4 grains is because its about the same amount that the pen style pan charger puts in the pan. remember that the powder in the pen charger is the results of the film can/lead ball reduction. Maybe real 4f (which I should have next weekend) is smaller yet and will deliver more to the pan?

The barrel I have is a 50 cal. 1 in 66 after market by FoxRidge. The flash whole bushing is the newer style that uses an allen wrench for installation. I believe this is the newer design with the larger flash hole? Uncrichie.
uncrichie said:
RB, I would guess about a fifth to a quarter of the pan gets filled with some of the charge powder when I seat the ball. The reason I said 3-4 grains is because its about the same amount that the pen style pan charger puts in the pan. remember that the powder in the pen charger is the results of the film can/lead ball reduction. Maybe real 4f (which I should have next weekend) is smaller yet and will deliver more to the pan?
That makes sense...normally the hole doesn't allow but a few kernels of 3F to blow out under seating pressure.

The barrel I have is a 50 cal. 1 in 66 after market by FoxRidge. The flash whole bushing is the newer style that uses an allen wrench for installation. I believe this is the newer design with the larger flash hole? Uncrichie.
Yes, thats the same vent liner I use in mine...I assume you agree they're excellent, very fast
Paul, thanks for the toothpick tip. I have some soft copper wire that would do the trick. I'm afraid of breaking off the toothpick in the flash hole, that would be a real bummer!

While we're at it I have another question. Do you guys make your own round balls or buy ones like Hornady? I have a box of .490 generic swaged balls that vary slightly in diameter anywhere from .490 to roughly .493. This sometimes drives me nuts with patches. Do you think the balls from a mold would be more consistent and closer to .490? Maybe I should have started a new thread but you guys are already here. Uncrichie.
Yes, thats the same vent liner I use in mine...I assume you agree they're excellent, very fast[/quote]

RB, very fast almost instantaneous. pretty amazing when you think about it.
uncrichie said:
Paul, thanks for the toothpick tip. I have some soft copper wire that would do the trick. I'm afraid of breaking off the toothpick in the flash hole, that would be a real bummer!

While we're at it I have another question. Do you guys make your own round balls or buy ones like Hornady? I have a box of .490 generic swaged balls that vary slightly in diameter anywhere from .490 to roughly .493. This sometimes drives me nuts with patches. Do you think the balls from a mold would be more consistent and closer to .490? Maybe I should have started a new thread but you guys are already here. Uncrichie.
Hornadys for years...then when I wanted to buy a bunch of balls for my .40 and .62cal rifles, Birddog6 put me onto Eddie May's cast balls in Georgia...he sells up at Friendship every year, etc...very good quality, lowest prices I've ever seen.
Eddie May Round Balls
159 Ridley Rd.
Chatsworth, GA. 30705
Best Quality Round Balls, Minnie, Rifle Bullets and Modern Cast Bullets - Please Call or Write to place Order.

I still use several calibers of Hornady because I have so many stockpiled, but the .395's and .600's have been / are outstanding.

On the redesigned TC vent liner...don't worry about a few kernels blowing out the vent when loading...I'm approaching the 10,000 shot mark with mine and I've never fooled with it, never bothered wasting time sticking some foreign object into it, etc...just load, shoot, and enjoy.

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