50 vs 54 cal.

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Have a 50 knocks down whitetails easily. Gonna get a 54 for my next gun (mebbe a 58) because I might get a chance to kill an elk soon. :thumbsup:
I opted for the 54. And with a 42" x 1" straight octagon barrel loaded with 90 grains ffg, felt recoil is minimal. Holding the rifle up for a long period of time is more challenging, however. I never had a fifty, but without knowing any better I went with the fifty-four for more wack-factor.
i do not think there is much difference for killing ability I have used the .50 for Elk one just has to adjust range limits with a smalller bore for bets results, think conservative the real factor one will notice is choosing a swamped barrel as the balance of one of these barrels will give one a good long offhand hold and fast recovery if the gun is out down for a moment. Once a person uses a swamped barrel they rarely go back to a straight one unless using a very heavy target gun with more modern sights. I would go with plain wood and put that money into a swamped barel anytime.This is usually proper for any 18th centuyr and most early 19th century guns anyway
.54cal on deer and elk size critters for me. All my 50cals are for shooting conicals. You can cleanly kill an elk at 150 yards with patched ball with the .54cal

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