not a box building thread oops. sorry
its harder to get good photos than it was to build the gun. but here we go.
i took a close up of the barrel, i was trying to get that damascus look, i did the vinigar wrap thing that someone had posted on here and it work pretty good.
i think with a little use and aging the gun will look ok, most important i need to try it out.
thanks for the help from the other threads and thanks for the comments.
To make that vinegar wrap really pop, soak it 24 hours with a re-wetting every 4 hours or so, and then after a good scrub with scotchbrite and dishwashing liquid and hot water, make sure its dry. Apply Brownell's Oxpho-blue until it won't take any more and then cut it back with steel wool until you get the color you want. Apply oil and you're done!