61 sprngfld tips

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Sep 6, 2010
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S.E. Wisconsin
Get some gage plugs, and find out your bbl size. Then shoot a minnie .001-.002in under bore size, use lots of lube in grooves, and in the base. start out with a chg of 45 grns 3F blk pwdr and work it up, 45-50 grns will most likley be best. Go for a group, then adjust your sights. So if your bbl is .578 then shoot a minnie of .575-.576. you might have to size them to get the correct size.
All ways load with hammer down on a spent cap, this will keep air from circulating thru the bbl. Keep the muzzle away from your face, and your nieghbors. Use a brass ramrod so as to not wear out your muzzle. Clean with hot soapy water , with bbl in bucket, and nipple removed, dry and oil before storage. Use anti size on nipple, and clean out screw threads.

barracudadave67 aka Rebel Dave
I have never taken my barrel out of the stock. At least not since it was glass bedded. What I will do is take the nipple out which has a small hole and put in a "cleaning" nipple in with the hole drilled out pretty large. Then I will put a hose over the nipple that is good and tight and place the other end of the hose into A bucket of cold plain water. From there I will put a wet patch on the cleaning rod and slowly work it back and forth in the bore so I don't make Enough pressure to blow the hose off. I will do this for a little while until I am satisfied then take the hose out of the water and keep running the same patch back and forth until most of the water is out. Then I will take the hose off of the cleaning nipple and take the nipple out and with dental tool scrape out what little crud is still in there. After that I may run a brush down the barrel and then dry the bore with patches until they come clean. I will finish with balistol. In the bore on the nipple threads and I will whipe the entire thing down with balistol. May sound like a lot but it doer really does not take that long
Good advice from barracuda and ian, especially for me since I just picked up a new Armi Sport 1861 Springfield. I understand working up a good, accurate load prior to messing with the sights, but then what? After looking over the sights on my rifle, there doesn't seem to be any way to make any adjustments on them. Am I missing something or what is the proper way to make adjustments on these rifles?
barakmd said:
Good advice from barracuda and ian, especially for me since I just picked up a new Armi Sport 1861 Springfield. I understand working up a good, accurate load prior to messing with the sights, but then what? After looking over the sights on my rifle, there doesn't seem to be any way to make any adjustments on them. Am I missing something or what is the proper way to make adjustments on these rifles?

You may need a higher front sight since most muskets shoot high at distances normally associated with target shooting or skirmishing.
S&S firearms can help you with that or you can build up the height with epoxy. Windage adjustments can be made by filling in the notch in the rear sight and filing a new one offset. This can be a trial and error thing until you get it right. S&S also sells blank rear sight leafs in various heights.

AS stated w/S & S FYi they are blank L leafs that you can drill or notch as you prefer. also the front sight can be filed flat to the block then notch the block and silver solder a a new blade in material of your choice.

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