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Aim point for squirrels?

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:hmm: Good idea. :grin:

I don't call it a 6:00 hold but I like the ball to hit on the top of the front sight superimposed against the head of the squirrel. My eyes need help, these days, so it just might be that it's the squirrels head that rests on top of the blade. If so, then I guess it might qualify as a 6:00 hold. :idunno:
Billnpatti said:
Now, this is just my take on it so take it for what it is worth. If you set your sights for a 6 o'clock hold on a 4 inch bulls eye so that your POI is dead center , your shot will actually strike 2 inches above where you are holding. If it is a 6 inch bulls eye, your POI will be 3 inches above where you're holding. If you take that rifle to the woods and shoot at a squirrel's head, you stand a good chance of shooting over the squirrel. That's why I prefer to sight in my rifle to hit exactly where I am holding. But, that's just me and others like to do it differently. .
Exactly how I do it...with one exception.....My bull's-eye is the size of a squirrels head.(2" or less)
So I use a 12 O'clock hold and rarely miss. usually take the top of the brain cavity off. If it is a longer shot or a skyward shot they still get hit in the head.
Naaah. The booger's head is still right there, and with it sitting right where the ball hits; he's toast. After all, we're talking about a teeny bushytail that doesn't have a jaw like a horse.
Oh, and I should have mentioned that with all the truck loads of skweerls I've laid low over the decades; none has ever had his lantern size jaw hit.
I aim to hit at what ever is right at the very top edge of my front sight----, dead center of where I want to hit what ever it is, a squirrel head, a marble, or a match head.
Whatever the game is, I aim for "what I don't eat". Some might like squirrel brains...I don't, so aim for only the heads.

A lesson I learned asre squirrel hunting came fairly early on in my quest for squirrels and was never to be forgotten. A squirrel was facing vertically up and I was standing too close to the trunk of the tree and I aimed for the back of the head and was a might low and "zipped" the ball right up the spine and did hit the head. Only got 2 front and barely 2 rear legs and a hard to skin squirrel. Never again.....Fred
Yep, Hanshi, that is how I do it. The POI, if all goes well, will be at the point of where the tip of my front sight is resting. I put the tip of my front sight right where I want the ball to go.

Well, that's how it used to work when I was a bit younger and didn't have a bum left wing. Now, my left arm is weak from damage done to it in a fall a couple years ago and I find that now my front sight tends to wander all over the place. Now, it's like a friend of mine told me one time several years ago. I was helping him sight in his new rifle. After a couple of shots I still wasn't seeing any holes in the target. I asked him "What are you shooting at" thinking I might be watching the wrong target through the spotting scope. He looked at me and said "North....I think." I replied "Well, I think you missed it." That pretty well sums up any off hand shooting I may try today.
hanshi said:
Oh, and I should have mentioned that with all the truck loads of skweerls I've laid low over the decades; none has ever had his lantern size jaw hit.
Can't take a joke, eh? :haha:

sidelock said:
.... a marble, or a match head.

Do I smell a brag??? Well, like they say, "If you can do it, it ain't braggin'." Those days are long gone for me.....if they ever existed anywhere other than in my head. :haha: Now, I don't know if I could hit the side of a barn off hand. I don't know how you would calculate that probability if I were outside the barn. But, I figure that if I were inside the barn the probability of my hitting the side would be only about 66.67% because I would have to allow for a 33.33% probability that I would hit either the floor or roof. :haha:

Now I just sit back and remember the day when I could put 5 shots in one hole at 50 yards. :bull: I didn't say my memory was accurate, I'm old and I'm crazy, I can remember it anyway I want. :rotf:
My .32 caliber Crockett was shooting 1" high, (top edge of the circle), on a 2" circle at 25 yards with a dead center hold, out of the box. When I changed my point of aim to a 6 o'clock hold it hits dead center. I have always subscribed to the theory that if it ain't broke, don't fix it, so I left it as is. All of my other rifles, BP and CF, are sighted in dead center. Keep yer powder dry.......robin :hmm:
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Yep! I am not for sure but I suspect that the last 2 or 3 hundred squirrels I killed were head shots. I learned to "really shoot" when I was on the VA Tech rifle team in the early 1950's. My brothers who are crack shots will tell you I am the best shot they have ever seen. I am bragging (I guess) but I used to be able to back it up. Not so sure now at my age and don't shoot much.
For tree rats I sight in dead center. For big game I sight in 6 oclock. WHY? Cuz I have a tendancy to under estimate yardage and that gives me a bit of "lee way". At 90 yds I am center to a four inch post it. So if I think hes 90 yds and hes 110 I still get bloody :grin: