Yep, I absolutely would prefer to use the real stuff, if I could get it. And believe me, I will keep trying. But in the meantime, I really want to shoot! And this Alliant Black MZ has let me do that. I couldn't have gotten into the game without it. But I am plotting and scheming and planning to get the good stuff. But who knows when and where I'll find it?
Yep, two guys got speared to death a few months ago, with others in the fight being wounded. Good old wooden spears. That was at a community only a few hundred km to my east. Yesterday, we had to deliver a speech / lesson / lecture at school on the dangers of throwing even toy spears at each other, after one youngster got hit and hurt (not during school, thankfully).
As an aside, I recently read "Great South Land" about the early Dutch sailors encountering Terra Australis for the first time. In firelock versus spear encounters, the first conflicts between white and black in Australia, the Aboriginals inflicted more deaths and casualties on the Dutch and English than vice-versa. Really interesting read.