40 Cal.
Well the pup and I were back at the club earlier this week. Previously, we worked on the “whoa” command. It paid off and then some. She will point and I approach. As I get near her if she loosens up at all I say “whoa” and she tightens up. Then, cock hammers and proceed to flush bird. Shoot and check dog status. If she moves, another “whoa”. If she moves a lot, pick her up and do the “whoa” drill again. Interesting thing happened. Towards the end of the day the dog was stopping, er….”whoa-ing” when I cocked the hammers. I tested this several times since. She’s made the connection. Click-click, she stops and steadies up. Another minor change….in powder. I used the same 1-oz square load (20b) and wad sequence but switched to Pyrodex RS. No decernable difference in performance. She pointed 5 coveys of quail and 6 singles. I did not shoot at the singles. Also pointed 9 partridge, and I shot at 8 (one was headed towards a farm implement that could have been peppered). I missed twice all morning. This little dog and little shotgun and getting along with me just fine.
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