I have several of both, in various models, including .40 thru .58 calibers, in both percussion and flint. I don't have a problem with CVA/Traditions, owning several, but the Investarms are way more solidly made. I also own T/C rifles, and my Investarms are every bit their equal, despite the howls of blasphemy I'm sure to hear shortly. My first muzzleloading rifle was a percussion Investarms "Hawken" in .54, from the 1970's. Not really an authentic copy of anything, and I got "better" rifles today. But this coming Saturday morning, my Investarms will be in my hands for "Alternative" Deer Season. Why? It has NEVER failed me, despite having fired many thousands of shots, shoots a great group at 100 yards with a PRB, and it reminds me of a simpler and better time in my life. My Investarms flintlocks are as reliable as a brick, but I don't use them for hunting, as I am a terrible shot with a flintlock. I do fire them a lot at the range, however.