45 Cal.
Bare-ball is something I thought I'd never try, but these bare-ball guys are making me curious. But my question is, how is it faster than a patched ball, loaded from a loading block, when you still have to put something down the bore on top of the ball?
On peeing down barrels, my take on that was that it made a good solvent, and was a way to clean your barrel quickly in battle, when the rifle (or pistol) became so fouled that it was becoming impossible to load it, when water was in short supply, or there was no water. ??
its faster and easier to load because there is less cleaning involved between shots, less resistance from the fouling when loading. plus I can tie a cartridge wih op, 1/2" fiber wad ball and an os card on top. thear the cartridge from the bottom, put into muzzle and push with my thumb... then seat the whole thing with ramrod. ( this does require a cleaner bore as all of the components together will be tough to load in a fouled bore) but is good for a quick second shot. but really, when was the last time you ahd to worry about a quick second shot with a BP gun? lol. The bid draw is the ease with which the individual component are loaded, and the more than reasonable accuracy you get. A tight fitting patch and ball in a smoothie can be a bear to load