Now opens a whole new chapter in my life. Just spoke with my rifle's daddy, and he just sighted in my new flintlock (nice of him). He's using bear oil as a lube, heated bear oil dip as a metal treatment, bear oil as an internal-part lube.
Now, being a hunter, I appreciate the general source for bear oil. But where does someone who does not hunt for bear find bear oil??? He swears by it, and there is no doubt it's authentic, but the only hit I got when surfing came back at $7.50/oz or thereabouts.
Anyone know of a source that's not a holistic hype-headshop?
:yakyak: :bull: :yakyak:
Yeah, fine. I don't care if my lube is self-aware, I just want it to lube my patches and shoot things. I appreciate the bear's sacrifice, I do. But it's going on a lead ball, not a friggin healing crystal pennant.
Any leads, guys?
Now, being a hunter, I appreciate the general source for bear oil. But where does someone who does not hunt for bear find bear oil??? He swears by it, and there is no doubt it's authentic, but the only hit I got when surfing came back at $7.50/oz or thereabouts.
Anyone know of a source that's not a holistic hype-headshop?
"Bear {oil} carries a Medicine of self awareness and personal integrity through the art of introspection."
:yakyak: :bull: :yakyak:
Yeah, fine. I don't care if my lube is self-aware, I just want it to lube my patches and shoot things. I appreciate the bear's sacrifice, I do. But it's going on a lead ball, not a friggin healing crystal pennant.
Any leads, guys?