The antlers sold are usually sheds, and are not taken as part of sport hunting. The prohibition grew out of the concern to end commercial hunting of all kinds back at the turn of the 20th century, and before. At the same time, closed seasons were imposed on one species after another, in an attempt to preserve the wildlife in the various states. In Illinois, the last whitetail was killed in the 1930s, and they were reintroduced to the state in the early 1950s. Ironically, Black bear still existed in the state will into the 1950s, but were shot out and remain an endangered species in Illinois until recently, when the State finally admitted that we have blackbear again living in the Shawnee National Forest in far southern Illinois. Its believed that they came over from Missouri, or Kentucky, or possibly Indiana. I know people who spotted bear in the shawnee and took rangers out to see them back in the mid 1980s. There are attempts being made to re introduce to some eastern states, and I understand that Pennsylvania is one of those states. Illinois farmers voted the proposition down overwhelmingly, as they don't want to have to deal with the crop destruction that having such large animals would bring with them. We all hope that the poachers don't find our few black bear, and shoot them for gall bladders, and other parts to be sold as aphrodisiacs in the Far East. I understand that Viagra, and other erectile disfunction medicines have greatly reduced if not eliminated the demand for animal parts for this purpose in Asia. Who would have thought that the little blue pill would be the salvation of Rhinos in Africa, and black bear here in the USA!