Best place to send Colt percussion clones for work?

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Goon (Mike Brackett) tuned up a Uberti 1st Model Dragoon for me a couple of years ago. In fact, he bought the revolver from a gun store local to him, which saved me some money in shipping charges. I am very happy with the result. Kind of like making an F350 into a very reliable drag racer. Completion time ran over the original estimate by a couple of weeks, but most of the fellows who do this sort of thing run one-man shops, and life happens. Mike's communication skills were very good, by phone and text, although as a rule, I try to not bother the gunsmith once the job gets started. Unnecessary phone calls just cause more delays.

The other thing is that the final cost was exactly what we agreed on in the beginning. People who restore old motorcycles speak of a "five/ten rule," meaning for every five dollars you budget or expect to spend, you end up spending ten. It's not quite that bad with custom gunsmithing, but there are frequently some hidden costs. I've had custom gunsmithing done on a number of unmentionables, and on average, I ended up paying about 25% more than originally expected. That didn't happen with Mike.

I like @William Lincoln 's comments. It's good to have a list of the gunsmiths or armorers who do this kind of work. There aren't really very many of them. Endorsements, based on personal experience, are good to hear. It sounds as if there are three or four out there who do good work. Comparisons, or attempts to "rank" the skills of the gunsmiths, are likely to be pretty subjective, and in my opinion, specific problems or criticisms might be best addressed via private message.

As an aside, I had reason to call Peacemaker Specialists a few months ago, and out of curiosity, I asked if they would work on Colt percussion revolvers, thinking the mechanical function would not be that different from a Model P. The answer was a courteous but firm "no." A lot of these fellows really are specialists, and don't take other kinds of work.

So, we have positive endorsements for Mike Brackett, Gary Lee Barnes, and Charlie Hahn as gunsmiths or armorers specializing in cap and ball revolvers. That's good to know!

Best regards,

Notchy Bob
I know Mike has had one of my revolvers for nearly a year. It is a long time but I am fine with it because from what I have seen and been told it will be perfect. I actually went out and bought a remington clone to shoot while my colt clone is sent off.
probably best you call Gary and discuss your work and get his take on his services and others...

eight-one-seven two-one-nine two-nine-sixty-six
I’d second this recommendation, Gary is very good. I’ve used Charlie Hahn as well as John Zimmerman and also John Taylor. I would recommend any of them but I doubt John Zimmerman will take on any revolver work these days. Mike, “Goon“ seems to be an innovative tuner with a loyal following. I haven’t sent anything his way yet but it’s only a matter of time.

Sadly, my favorite tuner is not able to take any new work at present. @Outlaw Kid has only worked on one of my Colts. An 1861 Navy. But he did wake it up, it’s my wifes favorite percussion arm and his turnaround time was less than a week, including shipping. Thanks again, Kid!
Hey 45D what is your regular contact name & info for my book?
I am interested in the Rem spring conversion. ? Website or email?

If you'll send me a message from that will initiate the process. I work from a home shop and don't give out my number/address for obvious reasons.
Thanks so much, look forward to hearing from you!

Sadly, my favorite tuner is not able to take any new work at present. @Outlaw Kid has only worked on one of my Colts. An 1861 Navy. But he did wake it up, it’s my wifes favorite percussion arm and his turnaround time was less than a week, including shipping. Thanks again, Kid!

That’s my choice also. Haven’t mentioned him as I know his situation from another forum. He did an 1860 Army and a Griswold and Gunninson early this year. Hoping his situation changes and he’s able to take some work next year.
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Goon (Mike Brackett) tuned up a Uberti 1st Model Dragoon for me a couple of years ago. In fact, he bought the revolver from a gun store local to him, which saved me some money in shipping charges. I am very happy with the result. Kind of like making an F350 into a very reliable drag racer. Completion time ran over the original estimate by a couple of weeks, but most of the fellows who do this sort of thing run one-man shops, and life happens. Mike's communication skills were very good, by phone and text, although as a rule, I try to not bother the gunsmith once the job gets started. Unnecessary phone calls just cause more delays.

The other thing is that the final cost was exactly what we agreed on in the beginning. People who restore old motorcycles speak of a "five/ten rule," meaning for every five dollars you budget or expect to spend, you end up spending ten. It's not quite that bad with custom gunsmithing, but there are frequently some hidden costs. I've had custom gunsmithing done on a number of unmentionables, and on average, I ended up paying about 25% more than originally expected. That didn't happen with Mike.

I like @William Lincoln 's comments. It's good to have a list of the gunsmiths or armorers who do this kind of work. There aren't really very many of them. Endorsements, based on personal experience, are good to hear. It sounds as if there are three or four out there who do good work. Comparisons, or attempts to "rank" the skills of the gunsmiths, are likely to be pretty subjective, and in my opinion, specific problems or criticisms might be best addressed via private message.

As an aside, I had reason to call Peacemaker Specialists a few months ago, and out of curiosity, I asked if they would work on Colt percussion revolvers, thinking the mechanical function would not be that different from a Model P. The answer was a courteous but firm "no." A lot of these fellows really are specialists, and don't take other kinds of work.

So, we have positive endorsements for Mike Brackett, Gary Lee Barnes, and Charlie Hahn as gunsmiths or armorers specializing in cap and ball revolvers. That's good to know!

Best regards,

Notchy Bob

You must have called Peacemaker Specialists more than a few months ago. Eddie Janis passed away of throat cancer in December of 2020. His wife was keeping the parts business going from what I understand but no more gunsmithing. 😞
You must have called Peacemaker Specialists more than a few months ago. Eddie Janis passed away of throat cancer in December of 2020. His wife was keeping the parts business going from what I understand but no more gunsmithing. 😞

Thanks for the information, sad though it is. I am sorry to hear of Mr. Janis' passing. I just checked, and their website is still up, with a copyright date of 2021. Gunsmithing services are still listed.

It probably was longer ago than I thought, when I called, but I do recall speaking with a lady. My original question to them was about getting some work on a double action Model 1878 an unmentionable, but I was advised they did not work on that particular model. The question about percussion revolvers was an afterthought, and as noted previously, I was told they did not service those, either. In any event, I did not have any work done by them.

Notchy Bob
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Gents, Not to throw out another name into this mix, but my shop LRK Mechanical Services also does work on percussion revolvers, including antiques. While I do not do coil spring conversions, which I think is a cool idea,
I do the local SAS revolvers speed and reliability work. As the master smith in the shop (I have 5 gunsmiths) I do all critical work myself, leaving the day to day for my staff. I have only been at the trade for 33 years, but seen a few guns in that time. Our turnaround is typically 2-3 weeks, but longer if there are parts needed I don't stock, or must be fabricated. We are also a complete machine and welding facility.
We work on everything from antiques, to modern, and each of us has a special area of expertise.
We are in northern Arizona. You may contact the shop at:
LRK Mechanical Services, LLC. 2-7 FFL
727 Brannen Ave
Prescott, AZ 86301
[email protected]
I’m a Goon guy. Coil springs, cap fence, debris shield, refinished screws. My arbor was surprisingly already
the proper length and needed no modification.
Goon work looks good. Very clean. Cap fence is a cool idea. Slotting the hammer deeper to fit over it I presume. I do mine a little differently, but good ideas are good ideas....
I ask out of nearly total ignorance, what might one expect to pay for having an 1858 Remington in good shape tuned up? Basic action tuning, replace nipples to use #11 caps. Lyman repo, less than 100 rounds shot through it with no real issues. Not asking for hard/fast pricing, just to get an idea of what to expect to pay. Thanks for this thread, BTW, and any info - only used one person to help me with a BP pistol in my life, excellent fellow from this forum.

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