With all respect;
Guy's, learning to get a proper temper for a good striker isn't something that any backyard buckskinner can do with a torch in a half hour.
It's the same with a flintlocks frizzen, getting a Rockwell hardness that will send that shower of sparks is an art that takes a long time to learn,, it's why there are so many POS strikers out there.
I was at a local Rendezvous cruising the vendors and came across a bowl full of strikers and with the vendors blessing was playing with several,, none had the shower I was looking for and made that comment. The man that made them just happen to be running his forge at that very Rendezvous and a few minutes later I was approached with the challenge;
"Tom wants to see you, he's going to show you how to use a striker"
(Ok) So I went to see him, he was pretty livid and in a very condescending manner proceeded to demonstrate his "shower" of sparks from his strikers, the man was swinging the steel with all the force he uses with his hammer on the anvil.
I simply reached in my pouch and produced the striker I've been using for years,, it's nice and cost me some pretty decent $$.
My striker will send a shower that leaves sparks crackling as they drop 2 feet before they extinguish.
Let me just say the conversation that followed didn't go well or end in a pleasant manner.
Again, getting a really good temper is an Art that some have a gift for and others don't.