Best tips / tricks for cleaning capnball revolvers

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Nonsense! It's no myth. Don't even need a stainless revolver. Field strip the pistol, run a patch with solvent down the barrel a few times and into each chamber. Run the parts through a dishwasher cycle, making sure the barrel and cylinder are vertical so they'll get cleaned. Remove while still hot, dry with wd40, then spray with rem oil, put the handles back on and load her up. It's just hot, soapy water, which most recommend. graybeard
1) Pop a can of beer
2) Remove barrel & cylinder (Pietta 1851 Navy)
3) Drink ½ can of beer
4) Fill sink with HOT water
5) Add dish soap
6) Finish beer
7) Immerse barrel & cylinder in sink
8) Pop further beer (take an immediate swig)
9) swish parts around in sink & run a nylon brush through the bore & all the holes in the cylinder
10) repeat 3)
11) rinse off barrel & cylinder with clean HOT water
12) turn on stove & repeat 6)
13) repeat 8)
14) Place wet parts on the stove for 3 minutes to dry
15) Give the gripframe a good wipe down with a rag
16) Spray everything with Rem Oil
17) Repeat 3)
18) Swear.
19) Wipe up all the Rem oil that you've sprayed all over your kitchen
20) Put it all back together
21) Swear.
22) Tear it all back down & put back that little screw that slipped behind the toaster.
23) Repeat 6)
24) Replace revolver in gunsafe for ANOTHER 3 years until you can be bothered to go through all this again.
25) Repeat 8), 3) & 6)

But seriously.....It only takes me 10 minutes MAX to clean up after shooting my '51 all day.
I use Windex WITHOUT AMMONIA in the field to get most of the crud off, then Ballistol for some protection. Once home I'll use either Windex again or hot, soapy, water followed by either a trip to the oven or my wife's hairdryer, then more Ballistol. I usually wait until after I've finished cleaning to start drinking because I'm old now and might fall asleep before I'm done. May I suggest Tanqueray Rangpur over the rocks as the perfect sedative after a hard day on the range.
If you use rubbing alcohol it comes in 70%, 92% and 99%. You want to avoid the 70% because the other 30% is H2O. Besides the 92 and 99 burn better.

I use soap and very hot water. After I rinse a part off I imediatly take the cleaned part to the bathroom and use my hair dryer to make sure it is completely dry. (I suppose I could bring the hair dyer into the kitchen now that I think on it...) :haha:
Or Bombay Sapphire or Glen Livet. Dipping the parts into such nectar could get you shot. Use for slow drinking only, after guns are clean and oiled. graybeard
Does anyone use a ultrasonic tub for cleaning with some dish soap? I've used one for cleaning brass with no problems as well a wife's jewelry.

Seems if one had a lot of cylinders they could all be cleaned at once with ultrasonic.
OK i have it. the best trick or idea to clean a C&B revolver or any kind of weapon is teach your wife how to do it. :rotf: or next best teach your kids how and tell them you'll cut off thier phones if they don't. :blah:
Well actually sir, when I think I am done cleaning our firearms I generally hand them to my son who gets out a white sock and gives them a good going over to make sure they really and truely are clean and then I give them a real good rub down with Bore Butter or something similar for BP firearms, some sort of oil for the more modern things.

I was thinking a small glass of "apple pie" or "pear pie" from the jar in the freezer would be good.
It was taking me forever to clean all my cylinders and nipples so I bought a ultrasonic cleaner... Wow it was the best investment I ever made. I use hot water and lie mix and it takes everything off. Then I rinse everything in clean water and use asitone to displace all the water. Oil everything down and its good to go.
How long does it take you to clean a revolver?
It is rather fast as far as I am concerned.
Pull it apart, pull the nipples set them in some Hoppes, take the cylender to the dish sink and scrub it with warm water and dish soap with a nylon brush, clean the hammer and the wall the cylendar sits against, run a bore brush down the barrel a few times then clean it with the nylon brush, dry off everything, then use a cotton swab of the apropriate caliber to make sure and to dry up stuff, take a tooth brush (not your better halfs no matter how much they piss you off) and clean the nipples, run them under hot water then put them in 91% rubing alcohol for a few seconds to displace the water, dry the niples and replace them into the cylender after a dot of gun oil on the threads, lube the parts and then put it all back togather.
Only takes about 15-20 minutes and that is with me goofing off.
I am really ocd when it comes to cleaning my guns so it takes a lot longer than your average person. Plus I'm normally fighting with my bro over our gun work bench space, and he is even more ocd than me!!
It takes me considerably longer to clean mine but I don't mind.

I just consider it as part of the whole shooting experience: part of the fun, as it were.
Good ole fashion hot water and soap, then dry good and coat everything with Bore Butter. I try and stay away from petroleum products when cleaning or oiling my Black-powder guns. Plus I dont remove the cylinder nipples every time I clean. For me every 20 cleanings or once a month which ever comes 1st. When you do remove them coat them with anti-seize. Make sure you have a good nipple wrench that fits the nipples. When you clean enough you will find what works for you and just stick with it.