How long does it take you to clean a revolver?
It is rather fast as far as I am concerned.
Pull it apart, pull the nipples set them in some Hoppes, take the cylender to the dish sink and scrub it with warm water and dish soap with a nylon brush, clean the hammer and the wall the cylendar sits against, run a bore brush down the barrel a few times then clean it with the nylon brush, dry off everything, then use a cotton swab of the apropriate caliber to make sure and to dry up stuff, take a tooth brush (not your better halfs no matter how much they piss you off) and clean the nipples, run them under hot water then put them in 91% rubing alcohol for a few seconds to displace the water, dry the niples and replace them into the cylender after a dot of gun oil on the threads, lube the parts and then put it all back togather.
Only takes about 15-20 minutes and that is with me goofing off.