The Muzzleloading Forum is the only forum that I visit, or am an active member of, that regularly tolerates the kind of negative, ignorant, rude comments that seem to endlessly crop up in threads here. Such as the ones that you have repeatedly made in this thread.
It's not about having, or not having, a sense of humor. It is about deliberately straying off topic to attack, belittle, mock, and make fun of someone who posts on a topic an opinion with which you happen to disagree with.
Hide behind whatever rationalizations and lies that you tell yourself in order to justify the language that you have chosen to use in your responses on spit patching. The language with which you have used in this thread is not right. It is wrong both morally, and spiritually.
At the end of the day, if a person cannot respond to a question that an OP has asked, or to the responses to that asked question from other members that he might disagree with; without resorting to the sort of language that you seem to be incapable of not using, then as far as I am concerned all you are is just another internet bully.
I was told many years ago as a young teenager that had started to curse as an attempt to appear grown-up, that any man or woman that uses profanity, or any other form of negative, demeaning, bad language, was ultimately not very sure of the rightness & justness of their side of an argument.