wow! went out weds, and just got home! it was sooooo good to see so many friends! also made new friends,,,,,,,,you just gotta love rendezvous. btw it started raining this morning and it hasnt stopped!
this was my camp
Melissa, Laurel and jacob
hanging out in camp
Mike trying to start a fire with the lock of my rifle
Ken and I managed to get some trigger time! what a blast! (pardon the pun)
and then there was the night life! awesome!
Dave and Debbie
Rev, Jay and Moley
lost and found with moley
My good friend Mike Lange ( donated this rifle to be raffled off to the 12 and under bunch at no charge. These are what he calls his "Rug Rat" rifles, built to specs suitable for youngsters. This rifle had a .50 caliber CVA barrel & lock, single trigger, walnut end cap & 12.5" LOP. As you can tell from the photo, he was in a state of shock at his good fortune! (actually, even an hour later he still had that same expression...
). I donated a small pack I got from Dryball a while back & a custom powder horn made by me. The fella runnin' the kitchen pitched in a mess kit & lantern, Jean tossed in 100 .495 round balls, Big Mike, Sean & the bag maker kicked in some necessities as well. I hope I didn't forget anybody... :-*
This enterprising young man started a water delivery service, apparently making some good money. It helped his bottom line in that he wasn't payin' the fella pushing from behind...
TT & Mike the banjo picker...
This is the fella runnin' the kitchen. If you are a Western movie fan, you have seen him on the Big Screen. He is a stunt man & character actor & has appeared in dozens of movies, including Tombstone. He also happens to be a Big Bear native...
The lady of the kitchen...
Ron and the new sign for his store...
He seems quite pleased with his rifle...
These fellas showed up, bought some duds & fit right in. Said they had a great time...
Andy (Horse camp booshway) & a friend.
Turtle Taylor's store...
this rattle snake met his maker a few yards from my camp, Jay skinned it and i think he's making a hat band out of it!
Dave and Debbies camp
me and Dave
a moment with the jug,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Myself, Smitty & his lady friend...
Some folks on Traders Row
Lost & Found's trade blanket
Andy & Barb's store
Some folks shopping in my store
Fiddlin' Farley's wife playing the organ