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Birthday squirrels

Muzzleloading Forum

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Robert Marshall

32 Cal.
Feb 15, 2014
Reaction score
I got to go squirrel hunting at our hill farm this weekend and try out my new .40 poorboy and it just so happened to be my Birthday. The place is ran over with squirrel and they have wrecked havoc on our Banks deer feeders. The weather was perfect, nice and cool. So I setup about 20-25 yards from one of the feeders and waited and shot at them as they came in. I know that doesn't sound very sporting but with me trying to see the rifle sights with my reading glasses and see the squirrel to was a challenge. I missed several time but had a blast and ended up killing 4. I was using a .389 cast lead ball with a .018 pillow thicking spit patch in front of 35gr of ffg, I wiped the bore down between every shot. I started out trying my best to head shoot them but ended up just aiming center mass and started hitting a few. That load does pretty good not doing tons of damage.

Do you have glasses made for shooting? I made a post about it but it seems, if you need reading glasses you can have a set made for shooting ( different eye releaf to see the sights better) I am planning on getting a set but I concider it as a non esenchel :( so it will have to wait until I save up "fun" money.
Sean Gadhar said:
Do you have glasses made for shooting? I made a post about it but it seems, if you need reading glasses you can have a set made for shooting ( different eye releaf to see the sights better) I am planning on getting a set but I concider it as a non esenchel :( so it will have to wait until I save up "fun" money.
I need to look into getting me a pair of those. I'm just using readers now.
I had a pair of glasses made to correct the astigmatism in my dominant right eye and the left eye was corrected for distance. My left eye after cataract surgery was corrected for reading. The new glasses has made it much easier to shoot with open sights as I can see the distant target well with the left eye and the right eye works well with open sights.

I would get a reading lens or computer distance lens in the dominant eye and a distance lens in the off eye.
Happy birthday. And...i got a multi focal contact for my dominant eye. It allows me to see my sights and since i shoot with both ewyes open my non-dominant eye picks up the target, fuzzy, but not impossible to see.
Nice man. Thanks for sharing. I'd love a spring squirrel season here in Ohio.
You did very well on "dem" skwerls.

A custom pair of shooting glasses is my Holy Grail. I had cataracts removed last year and have good distance vision without glasses. For reading I use 2.5 to 3.0 power glasses. Low power, 1.25 or so, allows me to see the front sight pretty well.