Judging bear is not easy, from a tree stand can be dead hard. Try to find out what kind of bait set up they have (Photos would be great) If they are using say 55 gallon drums to hold the bait & tree stands . . . . study every video/photo you can find that are shot from tree stands & shows bears next to 55 gallon drums.
My 1st bear hunt I was in the stand before day light, the guide left, sun comes up, I'm 30-35 feet in the air and I realized "I don't have a good grasp how big anything down there is!!" are those trees a foot wide? 9 inches wide? 15 inches wide? I had no idea or way to judge.
Within an hour a bear walked through, I had a shot but waited because I could not be sure how big the bear was. . . . . he was big 350 LBs maybe. . . .never saw him again
You have to be able to judge bear, and it's not easy. Harder still if you are at an angle (Tree stand) there are a ton of videos on how, but if you get it all worked out for 55 gallon drums and the sun comes up on 35 gallon drums or 5 gallon buckets your screwed!
(You can skip all this if you stand hunt) If they do use tree stands . . .
.and you don't . . . . I'd buy or borrow one. . . get up there and see what it looks like, spend a few hours, maybe find out your back pack is just wrong for the tight confines or you need different boots etc etc. while your up there get someone to walk a dog by so you get an idea what the view is like. . . .put in the time, shoot from a stand if you can. . . .see if you can reload or if your gear needs changing about.