Black Bear Hunting

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Headhunter said:
Have you ever thought about a spot and stalk hunt? I have never once hunted bears out of trees. All I do is spot an stalk and THAT is some fun stuff~! Try a Spring bear hunt in Montana. Its awesome and it doesn't get into your fall hunting. OR, you can hunt Fall bears. The choices are endless in Montana. Big bears too.


Kinda hard for me to spot and stalk. :wink:
I hear this a LOT. Usually from guys who live in the more open states out West or the Southwest. In Michigan, NY, NH, PA or 95% of the land east of the Mississippi the undergrowth and secondary growth limits you to 20-40 yards visibility.

Glassing and stalking is RARELY used for ANYTHING in those areas.

How do you spot and stalk in this?

Or in this?

Many people who hunt west of the Mississippi may not be aware of the conditions that we hunt in on the East Coast. These two pictures are your typical New England woodlands in which many of us hunt deer and black bear in. Spot and stalk doesn't work in this.
Hay! that's my back yard, where'd you get my pictures? :haha:
Dusty :wink:
Looks like the norm around here.
Btw rrll, I built my Uncle a .58 Flinter to take a bear with up there. After passing on bears for two years I told him enough was enough and take one. This is what happened at 18 yards, through the shoulders a .570 ball. Granted the bear only dressed 150 but the .58 sure put a smack down on it.
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To be honest, 150 lbs is a nice bear. Many people think that the average black bear is the size of a volkswagon. That wieght is about average.

Taconic? Lets see some pictures.
bigbore442001 said:
To be honest, 150 lbs is a nice bear. Many people think that the average black bear is the size of a volkswagon. That wieght is about average.

Taconic? Lets see some pictures.

Yeah well when thees 350 to 500 lbers seen hitting the baits, kinda hard to to pull the trigger on a 150.
I have had a problem with ground shrinkage on my bears in the past. Start out 3-400 at the lodge they go 150-200 :redface:
:v I would suggest checking with the Alberta Professional Outfitters Association for a list of outfitters that do bear. Northern AB has large numbers of black bears with a bunch of good outfitters. Color phase bears are common, large bears are common. I have taken two several years ago, one squared at 6'7" and the other at 7'4". Both yielded over 250 pounds of cut wrapped boneless meat. Spring bears are as lean as they ever get due to burning most of the fat during winter.
If males are working a bait it would be rare for a female with cubs to show up, the boars kill and eat the cubs.
Ask any outfitter that you are interested in for references, both the happy clients and the unhappy ones. :v
ontario north it gets thicker than this ,i try to stalk on game trails they tend to open up in spots to 20 -30 yards.notice the moose broused the bush in the fore ground


He must be in one of the Jersey parks like Great Swamp or Jenny Jump. The campers there must taste like chicken. :rotf:
