Black Powder & Black Powder Only!?!

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It aint your gun Pard, its the powder makes the diff. My T/C .50 likes real BP only.Good luck
Thanks for the responses. Amazing how many different routes a thread can take on any given subject.

I will just go ahead and shoot BP and let the gun impress me. I really enjoy shooting it and will just start looking for a good source for the holy black. I have a friend in NSSA and I should be able to get him to get me my powder. His group buys the stuff by the truck load. :winking:
My personal expperience with triple seven has been very positive. I own a Knight disc extreme, A 50 cal TC Hawken, and a TC 54 cal Hawken and all shoot very well with 2F triple seven loose. I do not have hang fires with any of these rifles. My traditional rifles produce higher vel and very good accuracy with the triple seven. Hot shot nipples and CCI #11 mag caps help when shooting the subs. Around here it cost about $20 a bottle and to me this is not a big deal as I only use couple bottles a year. If my rifles shot better with the real black powder I'd switch, but they don't! Been there tried it.
I understand the old saying each rifle is a law un to it's own. Some rifles like certain powders and bullets only. Others will shoot most anything. From talking to people around where I live, it appears I'm not the only person who has found the TC Hawkens will perform with Triple Seven.
Maine powder is the only company that i know of who will not sell less than 25#., I buy 5#s from a few other companies all the time, it's just a matter of parting with the 20. has mat fee.
I would buy 50#s but my state says 5# max and i see no reason to find out if they mean it.
Track has a 25 pound minimum, and a 50 pound maximum, but the Haz-Mat fee is included in the price. GOEX is less than $14.00 per pound delivered.
I didn't have any 777 to try in the carbine, but I've been told that it is a little hard to ignite. Don't know, can't say due to no experience with powder. I would try it if I could get some to sample, though.

As to synthetics, my inline shoots them fine. I have an NEF Sidekick that is a fantastic shooter. It will shoot any synthetic powder with no problems.
I've never had any problems with Triple Seven in my rifles. It burns cleaner and produces higher vel. Acuracy in my rifles has been excellent. Every rifle is still a law un to it's self. You will have to try different combinations and see what your rifle likes best. As for getting Triple Seven powder that should not be any problem as your local gun shop to get you some. One trick with Triple seven is to measure your powder on a reloading scale. I first ran some powder through my measure and then on the scale. Once I got an average weight of what my measure would be using the measure, I used the average and the scale. If you do not have a scale, just use the measure, but try to get them uniform. Wonder wads over the powder to help.
Rat Trapper said:
My personal expperience with triple seven has been very positive. I own a Knight disc extreme, A 50 cal TC Hawken, and a TC 54 cal Hawken and all shoot very well with 2F triple seven loose. I do not have hang fires with any of these rifles. My traditional rifles produce higher vel and very good accuracy with the triple seven. Hot shot nipples and CCI #11 mag caps help when shooting the subs. Around here it cost about $20 a bottle and to me this is not a big deal as I only use couple bottles a year. If my rifles shot better with the real black powder I'd switch, but they don't! Been there tried it.
I understand the old saying each rifle is a law un to it's own. Some rifles like certain powders and bullets only. Others will shoot most anything. From talking to people around where I live, it appears I'm not the only person who has found the TC Hawkens will perform with Triple Seven.
I'm not arguing, but you don't convince me that the fake BP shoots better then any true BP.
That being said, I wasn't aware that Knight sold a traditional style side lock.
It almost sounds as if your listening too much to people around there.
Sell the knight, buy a can of goex and come back to us before the Evil ones take you to muzzleloading hell.
It's not too late to repent from your sins.
Bring the other people, fake powder, satan worshipers to us so that they may see the light.
I helped a flatlander fire his grand dads muzzlestuffer that had not been used for 30 odd years.

He bought a jug of American Pioneer Powder. Id never seen it before, and didnt read the can until we had opened it up.

I looked in side and said... well you know what I said.

We fired it anyway. Had to up the charge to get a desent group. It worked very well.

Will I ever buy it or use it again, HELL NO.

But it was fun to tinker with in someone elses firearm.
The one and only way, to say the true way is using real bp. All the other stuff is evil. :shake:
Blizzard: I am an inveterate tinkerer. I am always trying something new. If I can't personally try something new, I want to hear from someone who has.

My inate problem with the substitute powder is all the lying that is done to sell them. You DO have to clean your gun after using them: they are not smokeless powder. Subs DO draw moisture faster than does BP. Subs DO require a hotter cap to ingite. Subs CAN NOT be used in flintlocks, without using a starter charge of BLACK POWDER!

I have been protecting clients from cheats and con artists all my professional life. Its become a habit to think in those terms when I deal with Subs. I don't consider it a bad habit. If that makes me an inquisitor, sobeit. IF a SUB is ever produced that is CHEAPER per POUND, works in both flintlocks and subs, can be ignited with just flashpowder, or by using the same powder in the flashpan of my flintlocks, shoots consistently with both PRB and Conicals, cleans with soap and water, AND STILL MEETS THE FEDERAL SAFETY TRANSPORATION AND STORAGE STANDARDS, I will buy it, and probably recommend it to other shooters. Until then, I will be a grumpy old curmudgeon and recommend, and use Black Powder. And I am very proud to have Kirrmeister at my side. :thumbsup: :blah:
:applause: I am in total agreement Paul Black Powder is better in every detail.
I think there's a bunch of us standing alongside you Paul!

Just say NO to SUBS!


Friends don't let friends try to use subs.


Get real, will you?

and finally,

Once you've used black, there's no going back!

Twisted_1in66 :thumbsup:
I started off with BP and I say don't fix what isn't broke. It works great for me. I don't think I could hold my head high on this forum if I switched to subs :shake: :redface: . F.K.

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