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Black powder shooting`s getting ex-Pen-SIVE!!!

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Did I mention that I drove 53 miles --one way -- to get there?

Hasmat and shipping fees looking more like a bargain every day. I do like the idea of supporting local businesses, though (especially the only brick-and-morter shop in tne state that still carries real black powder).

21 a pound the shipping of course is tough to swallow but those are always the cost.
Excuse me LD but he accused someone of being a thief multiple times not price gouging and that person/shop is not a member here to defend themselves. Has Mr. joe been admonished for his name calling and accusations? Please do not insult my intelligence. I know those folks personally and have shopped with them for over 35 years. If i do not like the price on anything in their shop, i say it is a bit high and pass on buying. But they have been accused of being thieves and that is fundementally and morally wrong. We have enough of that in the for sale section. These folks are good honest folks.

Not only was he admonished, but those agreeing with him have been so too, hence this

" For those that disagree with Joemolf, lets keep the responses to an evaluation of his point, and not personal name calling? And lets not respond with more name calling." As well as my pointing out that theft was not part of the situation, and that we have no idea what that shop had to spend just to get some powder to sell...,

Further..., while people may not like the wording of his opinion,..., it was just that, his oinion... and "..., he accused someone of being a thief multiple times..., and that person/shop is not a member here to defend themselves" is NOT a violation of our rules.

Very few of the vendors, shops, sutlers out there are "members who can defend themselves". You and any other member may rebut his opinion, but the rebuttal must stick to the opinion, and not the person. Your personal association with the shop not withstanding.

World conditions are going to get worse , gas...$10 a gal. , powder goes up , everything going up , now that Europe is on fire. If you want to shoot , buy now. Do it. Yesterday , I had to go to the range. The unmentionable guys are burning precious ammo like it's going to be there for ever. You should see the empty ammo boxes in the trash barrel by the shooting benches. When these souls have nothing to shoot , could be an even bigger run on already hard pressed resources. Stock up while you can. ..., has already put a ban on imported Russian ammo. Like that's going to do anything , except once again , drive shooters to muzzle loading , if guns are available. I could go on ,just stock up while supplies can be had. Black powder doesn't go bad , lead is a tradeable commodity , an flints are out there for the buying. Don't panic , just be smart , and look at your situation. Practice shooting is vital , and worth it to you , to keep your skills.
I just came home from Deercreek Gun Store in Marietta, GA, where I paid $50 for a pound of 1.5 f Swiss; $40 for a pound of 2f Schuetzen; and $18 for a tin or #11 percussion caps.

Oh well; it's only money!

The OP made a decision to buy powder at the retailers price and reported it. Why all the jumping up and down, it was his choice to make?
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I bought five pounds of powder about three weeks ago from TOTW and paid very little more for it than the five pounds I bought from them about a year ago. Everyone doesn't gouge or over charge. I think they raised their handling charge a small amount since my previous purchase and that is what made the difference. I did buy scheutzen musket caps from a place about two months ago and paid about three times what they should have cost. I found that out after the buy, I won't buy from those people again. I'd say shop around before buying.
Caveat emptor is a Latin term that means "let the buyer beware."
I just bought powder last week. Luckily, I'm a member of the MNLRA, and live about 45 min from Friendship, IN. They sell to members only, in person, during normal business hrs, and have a 4lb max per person per ??? week, month, idk. Here's their pricing, so you all compare:

-Schutzen =$19/lb
-Old Eynsford=$22/lb

When you do the math, I get about 87 shots per pound(shooting 80gr 2F loads). Add in say $10 for 87 lead balls and say $2 for patching and lube, and its @.36 cents per shot. Which is about what 9mm ammo costs nowadays.
Start a BP plant and sell us some for $15. I'll take 25 lbs of 3f.
The reason I mentioned gouging is what is happening is because it isn't theft! Something is worth what ever the traffic can handle. You can't blame a shop fot wanting to make a profit but when you see one shop $20.00 higher than another shop for the same item what is happening is blatently clear. When I was dealing with venders I developed a friendship with a few and they voiced my thoughts on this subject. They also, every now and then cut the price of their product as well.

Have you priced the cost of bolts for a cross bow, and the cost of the cross bow itself. I would say the are comparable.
Yea had to buy 3. Deer broke one off found it 10 yards before he dropped got the broad head it was lodged under the skin of the front far shoulder . Lost one on a coyote pass they didn’t find the bolt coyote only ran 10 yards in a circle. Last one was on a missed shot lost in tall grass.
You are right! I recall the days when we could get five gallons of gas for a dollar, those were the days. I also remember when my friends and I had a problem scrapeing up the dollar? Now I just pull out the plastic card and pay for a full tank of gas? I don't want to go back now when I think about it?
Yea same here think i was making $5 an hr. Part time and was in HS. Digging change out of the ash tray or under the seat.
regarding the support of small biz. In central Florida, you can buy real black at Bill Jackson’s in Pinellas county and at Buffalo Bills in Orlando. Sometimes they run out, but they always get more.
Just reflecting back in time for you younger fellows.... at the matches in Friendship, back in the early 1970's, I was picking up several cans of powder from a vendor in commercial row, when he mentioned that he had 25 pound kegs in the truck. How much ?? This was DuPont, not Goex, and the big metal keg cost me $25.00. Around the same time, Dixie had a sale on hot Italian caps for $3.50 per thousand. The yellow tins are stacked ten deep and wrapped in paper. Planning upon a lifetime of BP shooting, I really loaded up on these caps, which I am still shooting fifty years later.
You must not shoot much in 50 years, 20 caps a year and 1/2 pound a year.
Excuse me LD but he accused someone of being a thief multiple times not price gouging and that person/shop is not a member here to defend themselves. Has Mr. joe been admonished for his name calling and accusations? Please do not insult my intelligence. I know those folks personally and have shopped with them for over 35 years. If i do not like the price on anything in their shop, i say it is a bit high and pass on buying. But they have been accused of being thieves and that is fundementally and morally wrong. We have enough of that in the for sale section. These folks are good honest folks.
Obviously JDW76 was okay with spending 50 dollars for a pound of powder and it had no effect to his pocket based on his comment it’s only money. That’s great for him. I feel differently I’ll bet 50 will never be the norm. I’ll retract the word thieves and replace it with price gouging. Price gouging is not necessarily illegal. I live in NY under a rock where none of the gun stores carry BP so I’m used to paying the ridiculous hazmat fee but at least the price has been consistent over the years as has the cost of BP from the online dealers. Even today! Supply is limited but I don’t need much but buy more to offset the shipping. As far as price gouging goes I’ve dealt with lumber yards and plumbing supplies that used to price gouge until Home Depot came along many either stopped or went under. Me I go to Supply Houses local hardware store even independent pharmacies. Home Depot as a last resort. Many powder suppliers are still charging the same price as a year ago. I understand they are feeding 3 families. I do business with places like that paying more knowing it’s only a matter of time before people catch on and just buy their meat from the supper market. So far so good but these times coming are concerning. I hope they all survive it!
You must not shoot much in 50 years, 20 caps a year and 1/2 pound a year.
I did say that I bought LOTS of caps....35,000 to be exact, which works out to 700 per year so far. Also have Remington and RWS, and Alcan caps.. The keg of 3F has been supplemented with lots of GOEX, CIL, Elephant and other brands along the way. I am feeding a lot of equipment including a 1/2 scale 6 pounder and an 80% scale Coehorn mortar. Also, my home milled BP chronographs faster than GOEX (70grains BP, 45 cal T/C Seneca). Twenty-five years a state licensed blaster. Magazine is 5/16 thick steel with 2" thick oak lining. double padlock with 3/8" shackles (shielded).
The artillery gets loaned out to UWEC when they perform the 1812 overture.
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