Black & White ticking

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I have found that the color of the stripes is not necessarily an indicator of the thickness. I measure pillow ticking regularly at fabric stores. I have measured red stripes and blue stripes and tan stripes that have measured from .012 to .018.

ADK Bigfoot
I gave up on ticking , I found the color had little to do with thickness, switching to denim comes in weights 7oz, 9oz 10oz ( .022)12oz it seems more consistent , just make sure its 100% cotton. The other patching I like is #40 pocket drill cloth tight weave
Well I found a place on ebay that measured the thickness for the old blue n white ticking .020" so I ordered some of that. I'll look at Walmart next time and probably buy some of the black and white just to test it.

Really would like to try linen but that's a bit more difficult to find locally so I can measure it.
When Mother remade all her feather pillows in the mid 1950s, the ticking had rows of pink and blue flowers instead of stripes, Dad's overalls were blue striped and Grandpa's khaki pants were made of drill.

I'm pretty sure the print is applied after the fabric is woven and has nothing to do with the type of weave or the thickness. A bright light should help choose a tight weave (driil/twill will be diagonal) and the trusty apprentice micrometer will tell the thickness. A burn test will prove it's cotton. I've always used precut patches just because I'm lazy buy now I'm inspired to take trip to a thrift store micrometer in hand. I imagine those blue chambray work shirts must be about 15, flour-sack curtains about 20, muslin might be as thin as 10 for that hard to start gun.