You've convinced me, Bob! All I need to know is the brand of that pistol and I will run right out and buy one! Any C&B revolver that can stand up to smokeless powder is O.K. by me. It's got to be a special brand though. All the others blow up when fired with smokeless. Does it come with a guardian angel that sits on the shooter's shoulder or is that optional? The fact that you wasted time repairing this mechanical miracle is as astonishing as the fact that there was anything left to repair to begin with! Your method of repair using God's own gift to Humanity--the Heli-Coil-- is utterly ingenious and leads me to believe that you either are an engineer at Green Mountain Barrel Co., could easily find employment with the afore-mentioned barrel company as an engineer, or perhaps were recently fired by G.M.B.C. for improper use of Heli-Coils while repairing screwed up barrels. Doesn't matter--you're O.K. in my book, just be careful with those little buggers. A Heli-Coil in the wrong place could leave you bound up for life! I'm told they last forever and can stand up to an awful lot of pressure! Just a word to the wise, Bob.
Now Bob, I carefully reread my previous post and in no way did I imply that you condemned all steel framed revolvers. I simply sympathized with you over the fact that you had a bad steel framed gun. I sensed that you were downhearted and feeling a bit glum about it and I wanted you to know that someone understood. Just trying to be a pal, Bob. Now you tell me that it was an Armi San Marco revolver and everyone knows they're clunkers. I've just got one question, Bob. An A.S.M.? What the Hell were you thinking, man? Just kidding Bob. Everybody screws up now and then. You couldn't fix it with a Heli-Coil? No wonder they canned you from G.M.B.C.! :rotf:
I'm not sure about this bed thing, Bob. I'm happily married and while I'm sure you're a nice fellow and all--despite that Heli-Coil thing at G.M.B.C.--I don't swing that way. Maybe you're thinking of that Truman Crapote fella or Michael Jackson--though I wouldn't expect too much enthusiasm from him--I hear he's slowed down a lot recently. Maybe because he's 50 years old or not feeling well? Crapote is probably not a good bet either. Anyway count me out.
About that brass framed '51 you want to buy and take apart and then shoot with full loads. It's a swell idea Bob and will keep you occupied for months--maybe years if you don't run out of Heli-Coils or fingers. I'm not sure how much powder you think you'll need or whether you want smokeless or black powder, but I think I'll pass on this one anyway. Fifty plus years fooling around with muzzleloaders has taught me that brass framed C&B revolvers are weaker than their steel framed brethren and will not stand up as well. That's all I need to know about them. You have fun though. Let us know how it turns out and how many fingers you are typing with.
In closing, Bob, let me just say that I am pleased to hear that you were not killed by an exploding brass framed revolver full of smokeless powder! If you had been, you probably would not be posting here and we would not have learned yet another use for Heli-Coils and brass framed revolvers would have lost their staunchest supporter. I'm sure that somewhere in Italy, at this very moment, the makers of cheap, brass framed percussion revolvers are toasting your good health with a heaping plate of spaghetti and marinara sauce and a glass of fine (but cheap) wine! It's been good talking to you Bob, but I've got to go feed my ferrets now, so take care. Sorry the job at Green Mountain didn't work out.