Breech Plug Thread Sealer

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50 Cal.
Nov 29, 2005
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Picked up and old double percussion (again).This one I can remove both breech plugs.What would make a good sealer to put on the threads?
wattlebuster said:
The only thing I have ever put on mine is anti-sieze from the local auto parts store :idunno:

A properly installed breech plug is the sealer.
The anti seizes` purpose is to lube it up a little bit so you don't gall the threads.

It generally ain't a good idea to in-an-out them things a whole bunch.
Reason I asked was after buying the old sxs I sprayed PB Blaster down the bore and had some leak from the breech.If oil leaked,thought was gasses could also.
Have you had the plugs out yet? Pull them and inspect the threads in the barrels, if these are good you might have a machinist turn a couple of slightly oversize plugs with the same thread to seal again. Depending on something to seal existing threads that are leaking isn't a good idea for guns anyway, might be OK for your plumbing.

The above assumes that it is the plugs leaking and not the Damascus barrels.
I have only ever used heavy grease in any of my riles and have never experienced a frozen breech plug. I generally use Rig gun grease in all my rifles although in a percussion pistol with a breech plug that is made to be removed I recently tried some anti seize compound but think I will go back to grease as it's more trouble to clean the threads than leaving the plug in and cleaning by traditional means. Mike D.
Check to see if your plugs are breech diameter. In other words, there is no shoulder in the breech for the plugs to seel against. While this practice is not acceptable to builders today it was once widely praticed.

If that is the case then the plugs have to rely on thread interference to seel. Old guns have been disassembled and something akin to pitch or tar was used on the threads and often it appears as just fowling cake was apparently relied upon.

As Mike said, you need to have it checked out and it may just be relegated to wall hanger status as so many old guns have. Good luck and Enjoy, J.D.


Threads are not rusted and when tightened line up with marks.
If it leaks when it is assembeled, then it doesn't seat on the end of the breech plug like todays practice.Standard threading and taping is only 75% thread make-up which allows for some void around the threads.This is where your leak is most likely,Providing something isn't broken.
That being the case, clean the threads thouraly and assemble with BLUE Locktite. This will fill any remaining void in the thread and harden enough to prevent pressure from fouling into the threaded area. If you ever need to remove them in the future, apply a small amount of heat to the threaded area.This will soften the LOCKTITE so it can easly be removed and not damage anything.
Thanks,just got off the phone with Chuck Dixon who recomended plumbers tape (he used in the past) or Loctite RTV Red gasket maker.
410-er said:
Reason I asked was after buying the old sxs I sprayed PB Blaster down the bore and had some leak from the breech.If oil leaked,thought was gasses could also.

Methinks no kind of sealer is going to make those breeches safe with that kind of leaking. The breech plugs fit or they don't. Yours don't. IMHO, you have a wall hanger.
410-er said:
Thanks,just got off the phone with Chuck Dixon who recomended plumbers tape (he used in the past) or Loctite RTV Red gasket maker.
No disrespect to Chuck, but I'd not use Teflon tape here. I've read of guys using it for everthing from breech threads to nipples but it's not proper.

Remember tape adds mass to threads. If your plugs are lining up when threaded in as is, what happens when you add mass?

If the problem is wear to the breech threads, make new breech plugs. It's easy and correct.

If the problem is the barrels, hang it on the wall, as a barrel with bad breeching is unsafe....period. Good luck and Enjoy, J.D.

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