BRIXIA Matchlock Review

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I got mine this past Wednesday (S/N 0031). My initial inspection was that for what it is, it looks to be in good serviceable condition. Fit and finish are not that of a handcrafted custom reproduction, but cost is 1/3 to 1/4 less than a handmade reproduction. Of course the Rifle Shoppe has kits for about the same cost, but then fit and finish is on you…. IMHO if one is looking for an out of the box useable matchlock that is relatively affordable, this fits the bill perfectly.
Should be fun to get out to the range to shoot.
@jrweis1997 - The ingredient to form the burning coal head is saltpeter, aka potassium nitrate.

A simple recipe using 100% cotton cord can be done by immersing a length of the cord in a non-perid correct ziplock bag in which 2 teasoons of real black powder was dissolved. Shake & stir, as those old 'shake & bake' commercials show! Soak for 15-minutes and dry the cord on a flat surface, where the cord MUST be dried flat or the saltpeter will migrate to the lowest end, if hung whilst drying ... where it would act more like a 'fuse' than a lit, coal-head match one is trying to achieve.

There are more complex recipes for when the better cordage is used, i.e., like using braided hemp, where one needs to buck the lignin out of it first, by boiling the cord in a potash solution. 'Cap&Ball', on his YouTube channel, has an excellent video on making this recipe.
I just soak hemp twine in potassium nitrate solution for a few days and dry it out. It stays lit and burns slowly and evenly. Spectracide stump remover is pure potassium nitrate, and I may or may not have used it for "off label" purposes a few times🙄
@jrweis1997 - The ingredient to form the burning coal head is saltpeter, aka potassium nitrate.

A simple recipe using 100% cotton cord can be done by immersing a length of the cord in a non-perid correct ziplock bag in which 2 teasoons of real black powder was dissolved. Shake & stir, as those old 'shake & bake' commercials show! Soak for 15-minutes and dry the cord on a flat surface, where the cord MUST be dried flat or the saltpeter will migrate to the lowest end, if hung whilst drying ... where it would act more like a 'fuse' than a lit, coal-head match one is trying to achieve.

There are more complex recipes for when the better cordage is used, i.e., like using braided hemp, where one needs to buck the lignin out of it first, by boiling the cord in a potash solution. 'Cap&Ball', on his YouTube channel, has an excellent video on making this recipe.
"Build a better matchlock & the world will beat a path to your door ! ". I think put that under a barrel once . Another for a union Rep ran "Matchlock shooters of the World ignite !, You have nothing to loose but your Brains !" one for me had " This style 10 & 6" vis 10/6-d as in Alice & the mad hatter s hat . Another favourite had " Finest selected Montana barrel 5$ reject " a smooth 50 cal I think the back end was unusual so I chiseled it with serpent like forms ( always adds more tens with dragons) & such a real thrown together' poor boy' with a stock off a church roof it was an old one taken apart )a 54 brl same sourse .Axe marks & all. ..You can be too neat & tidy, items of that original age often show crude tool marks , adds charm . Rudyard's musing's
What was your load? The owner's manual calls for a .614 with .010 patch. I mic'd my barrel at .605 +-. Not sure how I would stuff .624 patched ball in it. Lol!
I bare balled it with .590 ball and 80 grains of 2f goex and 4f in the pan I didnt realize I was out of .600 and .610 round balls. I plan on playing with loads when I have more time
I am thinking of reworking the forend of my Brixia. It is very fat, much more so than any original I’ve ever seen. The ramrod channel is sunk a good 3/8” below flush as well. A bunch of wood could be removed there.
I have been eyeing the Brixia matchlock and doing the same. I agree the stock is too think. It should taper more to the muzzle. I also want to try fitting a nose band on the stock to make it look more like an original
I am thinking of reworking the forend of my Brixia. It is very fat, much more so than any original I’ve ever seen. The ramrod channel is sunk a good 3/8” below flush as well. A bunch of wood could be removed there.

I have been eyeing the Brixia matchlock and doing the same. I agree the stock is too think. It should taper more to the muzzle. I also want to try fitting a nose band on the stock to make it look more like an original

Are you sure you guys aren't confusing that of a full size land army matchlock of the musketeer with that used by calivermen? Their matchlock Schützenrohr or caliver, was shorter, lighter and of a smaller caiber than the long and heavy musket. I can ask Paulo for their specific museum model copied if you want, as he's been messaging me.
Matchlocks certainly are interesting. I have to say though that the going price for the Italian version seems really high for such a simple mechanism. Also the ones from India look to be more historicaly correct as to form and at about half the price I don't see the advantage of the Italian version.
I can give one ... smaller caliber, as a 62-cal/20-gauge is a SWEET shootin' arm! Something not many big 75s can equal, at least IMHO.
Point well taken. I am not sure that justifies a $600 difference in price though. The Italian version looks like it could use a lot of wood removed to slim it down a bit and no more labor and materials that are involved in such a simple mechanism about $1300 after tax and shipping seems a lot for what you get. To each his own though.
The Italian version ... no more labor and materials that are involved in such a simple mechanism about $1300 after tax and shipping seems a lot for what you get.
Fair points, to be sure, can't argue with that reasoning.

FYI, I have asked Paulo what the projected co$ts will be for their Snaphaunce and Petronel, but he hasn't replied yet. Their Petronel replica is released and is being sold in the Spanish market right now!
Fair points, to be sure, can't argue with that reasoning.

FYI, I have asked Paulo what the projected co$ts will be for their Snaphaunce and Petronel, but he hasn't replied yet. Their Petronel replica is released and is being sold in the Spanish market right now!
That would be interesting info. Any sites where the Petronel is pictured?

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