Order of reassembly:
Put a light coat of gun oil/Ballistol/olive oil on the round pin on the side of the hand/hand spring assembly, inside the hole on the hammer and on the surface of the hammer covered by the gun frame.
Put the hand/hand spring assembly pin in the hole in the side of the base of the hammer such that the hand is forward when the hammer/hand/hand spring assembly is in the gun. In other words, the spring is on the back side away from the cylinder. The hand/hand spring assembly should be free to rotate completely around the pin inserted in the hammer base.
Slide the hammer/hand/hand spring assembly into the frame, guiding the hammer/hammer spring into the rectangular channel that leads from the base of the frame to the recoil shield, adjacent to the hammer cutout. It will be necessary to depress the hammer spring for it to fit into the channel.
When the hand/hand spring assembly is firmly seated in the channel slide the entire hammer/hand/hand spring unit up into position in the frame and insert the hammer screw. Start the screw into the threads but do not fully tighten it at this point.
Since you are using a new hand/hand spring assembly it may be necessary to remove some material to get it to fit. There may be issues with the width and/or length of the assembly, and/or with the size of the knob that fits in the hammer base. Use hand files for this task, unless you are proficient with a rotary power tool like a Dremel. Removing too much material is to be avoided as a loose assembly is prone to breakage.
Next install the trigger and trigger screw, again, starting the screw but not tightening it.
Install the bolt and bolt screw, starting but not tightening the screw. The hammer should be back in the cocked position for this step. Once the bolt is installed be sure it is in the "up" position, that is, the head of the bolt should protrude through the hole in the frame. Then rotate the hammer back to the down position.
Install the trigger/bolt spring and screw. Tighten this screw.
Check the action for operation by moving the hammer to half cock and ensuring that the trigger will not cause the hammer to fall, then moving the hammer to full cock and ensuring that the trigger releases the hammer. Since the hammer mainspring is not in place you will have to push the hammer into position when making those checks. Watch the bolt to see that it is recessed into the frame at half cock and protrudes from the frame at both full cock and with the hammer down. Observe the action of the hand in the frame channel as it moves up when the hammer goes from down to full cock, and down when the hammer falls.
Lightly oil the action, tighten the bolt, trigger and hammer screws and install the trigger guard/hammer mainspring assembly. Lightly oil the area where the hammer/hammer mainspring contact each other. It will be necessary to loosen the hammer mainspring retaining screw to allow it to fit under the hammer. Be sure to tighten it once the trigger guard/hammer mainspring assembly is in place.
Check the action functions with the hammer mainspring installed and install the grips. Conduct a final check of the action.
Load the gun and shoot it.