My problem with the Pedersoli Muskets is that they do not look or handle "right" due to their oversized breech. I have to admit that I am not as familiar with the Brown Bess replicas as the Charlevilles. I owned a M1777 Pedersoli Charleville and finally sold it off. I realized that the breech simply could not be corrected. The problem is even more pronounced with their M1763 Charleville. In its original form, the M1763 was known for being slender and graceful. A comparison of the original with the Pedersoli will quickly show that this is not the case with the Pedersoli, which looks misshapened. On the other hand, the pictures of the Indian-made M1777 on the Military Heritage site look to be much closer to proper proportions.
As for Brown Besses, I do not know how oversized the Pedersoli breech might be. However, the pictures I have seen of the Middlesex and Military Heritage Besses look more correct than what I have seen of the Pedersolis. As for quality--yes, the Pedesolis have an edge. But the Indian made guns look to be hand-made and perhaps forged as were the originals or closer anyway than castings and stampings. Aside from the cost difference, I can rework and stain a rosewood stock to look pretty close to old dark walnut, but I still haven't found a way to alter that oversized breech and correct the lines of a Pedersoli.