It seems to be getting worst- this pc thing. When I started all this if something was hidden (epoxy glue on the inside of a knife handle) I figured ok. No one ELSE would know. Now, I have changed. I KNOW that thing has epoxy glue inside the handle. So now I'm trying to be ever more pc. The more I venture in that direction the more I realize some things may never get there. I think a couple of guys are remaking the knife steel (blister steel, shear steel), so the steel is pc. Leaping Lizards Batman!!
So...getting back to the powder horn and a curved hole. I suppose I might find a new wiz-bang curved hole drilling machine on the internet that does just what I want and yet...I am wondering how it was done back in the day. Could be they simply drilled a straight hole that was angled so as not to run out one side of the tip. I was thinking about a centered hole traveling down the tip.
One reason I ask questions is I have in the past jumped to assumptions on things. Now at least I realize all the things I don't know and I ask. I'm constantly amazed that many times asking was worthwhile- it has exposed me to all sorts of things I had no idea about.