Hi Folks,
Got a lot done on the gun today but also did more buttoning up of the property for winter and even washed and waxed my car. I finished all the carving details prior to staining. I thought some of you might like to see the tools I use for detailed carving. Keep in mind one caveat, I have some disability in my hands. I suffered severe frostbite in my fingers and toes several times during my mountaineering and mountain rescue days. As a result I have significant nerve damage in my hands with very little feeling left in my finger tips. I cannot carve details accurately with a full sized chisel pushed by hand or by mallet. I cannot position the cutting edge of a full length chisel accurately without hovering over the edge closely making it difficult to tap with a mallet or push by hand. Consequently, I use palm chisels and micro chisels where many top line gun carvers use full length chisels. My saving grace is my hands are very strong and I usually do not need a mallet. I also sharpen my tools scary sharp. Anyway, my tool selection is heavily influenced by my disability.
The first image shows the small gouges that I use to cut inside hollows.
The second image shows the small skews and "vees" I use to cut edges, clean backgrounds, and create borders.
The next photo shows tools I use for scraping around details.
Finally, there are the riffler files that are very useful.
Here I am using a tiny skew chisel to clean up edges and background around carving.
Here I am using a tiny skew chisel to clean up a tight corner.
Here I am using a tiny gouge to cut a detail.
Here I am using a flat bottomed riffler to smooth a background.
Here I am using an edge riffler to smooth the edge of a volute.
I stained the stock using ferric nitrate and use the staining to reveal rough spots in the carving that need attention. I will go back and touch up the stain as many time as necessary until the stock is ready for finish.
With respect to staining the stock, the following series of photos shows my process for this rifle. The first photo shows maple without any stain. I stain the wood with a mix by volume of 1/3 10% nitric acid, 1/3 tap water, and 1/3 ferric nitrate crystals. I added the nitric acid to increase the red undertone for this particular stock (after experimenting). The next photo shows the stain dried on the wood. I blush the stain with heat from a heat gun which changes the gray color to reddish brown. Because I included actual nitric acid to the mix, I decided to neutralize the acidity by washing the wood in lye-based oven cleaner, a suggestion from Singlemalt. I normally would have used either baking soda in water or ammonia to neutralize the acid but I liked the slight reddening effect that the lye produced. You can do something similar with peroxide. Anyway, the result is very beautiful. I cannot wait to see it with finish.
More to come,