Building a Fusil de Chasse

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As the tang goes down keep marking around it ... Keep taking out wood and it'll slowly lay down ... Tang will touch , mark all the way around , remove wood ...stay inside lines ...little at a time , tang is a spot that gets stared at a lot ...don't want any gaps !


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You'll have to readjust the tang bend slightly as you go . Keep taking off the black until the tang is against the wood , then new lines around tang and keep removing the black spots , stay inside lines best you can , when the end of the tang starts going down you'll notice the barrel moving forward , gap at breech , as you bang the barrel down . At end of tang its angled so take off that wood little at a time and very little , slowly .... It'll eventually , but slowly go down with the whole barrel going forward less and less . When it stops going forward and the barrel , which has been blackened , touches down in barrel channel again and barrel is level again at the end by breech ....its done. Dont worry if tang is a bit high , as this one is , it doesn't matter . The barrel is back to its " bedded" position . The tang is very thick son there is plenty of meat for threads later ... The tang is filed flush later .... Breech is bedded / inlet to final .


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Log cabin Fall Fest or whatever they call it is a good place to shop. Purchased a rifled 62 caliber barrel new for $100. My buddy thanked me for the purchase as it prevented him from buying it. lol. Also what appeared to be an original tower lock for $75. Just be prepared to pay as it my not be there later in the day.
Log Cabin Sport Shop in Lodi, Ohio is a great place.
Bought a used Japanese Brown Bess kit there in 1974 for $150! Someone returned it after trying to put it together. They started to take off the swell at the entry thimble.
I used it throughout the Bicentennial then sold it after Jim Everet assembled a custom long land pattern for me. He modified a Miruko (sp?) lock in to an engraved "banana" style and made the barrel, with the other parts provided by me. I found an original entry pipe to add to it.
On the last two recent visits I have found in store bargains as well as unique items!
Slab off side , mark guide line then slab off bottom for ramrod groove ....


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Mark center line , chisel out ramrod groove , clean up with sand paper around dowel , drill hole to depth ....take coffee break because it is fighting you and your about to go ape $#it on it with a large hammer .....sigh fighting me too !!!!!!!


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....sand. Channel with dowel


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Determine your relief at muzzle , mark first lug position ...then you have your sight blade and first ramrod pipe position ....from these measure and mark the other lugs and pipes accordingly ....


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Solder those suckers on ....where you marked .....


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Check the new batch of B.P. ya made , still bit wet ....then go have a seat in the rocker on the front porch , have a pop and watch the birds a bit while letting that barrel cool off ....


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Blacken the lugs and set the barrel back in there ...tap on top ....pop er out ....there ya go ...inlet them lugs .... repeat ....


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Lugs bedded ... Check all depths , marks , barrel in , Clamp barrel down , drill lugs and stock , pin .....


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