You'll have to readjust the tang bend slightly as you go . Keep taking off the black until the tang is against the wood , then new lines around tang and keep removing the black spots , stay inside lines best you can , when the end of the tang starts going down you'll notice the barrel moving forward , gap at breech , as you bang the barrel down . At end of tang its angled so take off that wood little at a time and very little , slowly .... It'll eventually , but slowly go down with the whole barrel going forward less and less . When it stops going forward and the barrel , which has been blackened , touches down in barrel channel again and barrel is level again at the end by breech ....its done. Dont worry if tang is a bit high , as this one is , it doesn't matter . The barrel is back to its " bedded" position . The tang is very thick son there is plenty of meat for threads later ... The tang is filed flush later .... Breech is bedded / inlet to final .