There are people that do deserve it. Not disputing that at all. Sorry, that it happened to you.While I agree with to totality of your post, don’t be too harsh on everyone on SSDI. Some of us earned it. Thirty-five years of “Kickin’ in doors and fallin’ thru floors” (FF/EMT). Made 3 ‘express trips’ from 1st floor to basements/crawl spaces that have completely destroyed my left hip and knee.
That bunch sure didn't have a disability for jumping up and grabbing boxes off the shelf though when the clerk was putting it out. Being >400# and munching on a Big Mac at 0700 at a Wal-Mart counter isn't the best lifestyle and lithely saying that their disability was ADHD and bipolar... ¿What? ¿Really? ¿REALLY? Nope, you're just a L A Z Y <redacted/> that is abusing the system and stealing money that should go to people that actually are disabled. I had to leave or I'd jack slapped that pig smooth off that mobility scooter. My back that morning felt like someone had struck a match down it from lifting all those bariatric patients at the hospital the previous 3 days<worked the 'Baylor plan' of three 12 hour shifts Friday, Saturday, & Sunday>; plus, bilateral little and ring fingers were numb all the way to the elbows due to the vertebral damage from lifting fat ***** like him. And he was the one 'disabled'.
Oh, I was mad.