When I'm shooting muskets that require a percussion cap, I did use a leather capper...
It is a simple tear-drop style sewn (by the point of the tear-drop) to the inside flap of my shooting bag to keep them dry...
Just lift the flap to cap, drop the flap and shoot...
It holds 12 caps...
Great idea! Now, why didn't I think of that?
I have fiddeled around with so many "cap dispensers" I've lost count. From Ted Cash's best, fancy, pretty models, to Wal-Mart's bargan brand plastic's. If it wasn't the lip, it was the spring!
I finally settled on a leather strip, perhaps 2" wide by 6" long that I hung on a leather lace around my neck, then on my bag strap, then in the bag....It seemed to always be at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Experiment with several more shapes and attachment locations wasn't much better...caps are a pain! Just one more reason to prefer a flinter....maybe?
Now it would seem there is hope from the magnificant mind of the Musketman. :what:
I like my cappers, but I hate the "itty bitty" caps that my big fat clumsy fingers have to deal with.
Musket caps are a bit better, even seem to stay in the pre-punched leather straps better, but you still have to deal with those caps with your fingers.
MM, I this just one more reason why you get paid the big bucks!... maybe?
What do ya mean ya don't get paid! :relax:
I guess I better try it before I get too fired up about it, but it shor nuf do sound good up front. Thanks!