In Dive Bomber school in the 40's there was a thing called target hypnosis where a pilot would concentrate so strongly on the target he would forget to pull out and fly right into the target. Sort of an unintentional Kamikase attack.
I apparently did much the same thing. I was concentrating so hard on how to make a Ballistol and water mix when the water was harder than high school and won't allow the Ballistol or Water soluble oil to blend freely with the water.
Seeveral other good folks were talking about using alcohol instead of the water and a friend in Independence, MO tried a variety of alcohols with no success, so I was reporting on that, thus creating a mystery.
I used tap water in all my experiments ,but I am not certain that it would have worked when I was a lad in Omaha, Nebraska, where soaps and detergents were reluctant to work well with the water available at that time.
Tap water is fine if there is no problem getting a good blend.
Alcohol, incidentally, is an Arab word. And they don't use it.