Cherry Girl's sight notch

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Musketman, please tell me how you got your rear sight notch so nice and squared off at the bottom. I've already screwed up one rear sight and my new one has a very tiny, shallow notch in it. I want my rear sight to look like yours(sight envy?). My flat needle file is way too thick and I'm afraid to try a Dremel cut off wheel. I'm impressed by the groups you are shooting. :hatsoff:
I would but Cherry Girl belongs to Stumpkiller, not I, and he won't let me touch it ever since that M-80/spike ramrod hole drilling trick I told him to try... :rolleyes: :haha:

However, I am sure that Stumpy will be along shortly to give the details on his Cherry Girl's sight notch...

Regards... :hatsoff:
Use a jeweler's saw for a very fine notch. For something a little wider, grind a hacksaw blade on the sides to eliminate the "set" to the teeth. Don't overheat. It'll be useless for anything else but will work great for such a small cut. Use beeswax etc to lube as you cut.

I am thinking of making a backsaw for this purpose.
LOL. I got that particular image "squared up" with Microsoft Paint. That's a composite of images pulled from the Track of the Wolf site and modified to show the sights on Cherry. The real life sights are like that, though. Parallel sided and flat bottomed.


She came that way from John Donelson.

You could use a "safe" file with teeth only on the edge of the flats - such as are used for screw slots.

Screw Slot File - Brownell's (click me)

I like the "safed" hacksaw idea.

M80/ramrod trick. D'oh! Well, at least it worked better than my .375 H&H FMJ channel drill attempt.
If you find your accuracy suffers when squaring sight notches using "Microsoft Paint", then invest in a set of "Swiss Files".
These are small machinist files in varying shapes and sizes just perfect for sight notches and other fine jobs.
You probably won't find them at your local Ace Hardware.
I think TOW sells them but you'd have to check to be sure.

"M80/spike ramrod drill trick..."

This could be interesting; please do continue....

I had Stumpy drive a spike in the forend of his longrifle stock, then I advised him to super-glue a M-80 to the head of the nail and duct tape the body of the M-80 in place using several rolls, leaving only the fuse sticking through...

I concluded that lighting the fuse will send the spike down the length of the stock in a pre-determined path to bore a perfect channel for the ramrod in one smooth action, depositing the spike in the trigger mortis recess for easy removal...

Well, he lit it, the M-80 went off, his long rifle stock is now converted into a half stock canoe gun... :rolleyes:

Didn't use enough Duct tape, seen it, right off... :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

:eek: Sorry about gettin' you two mixed up, you're both great guys. I'll try the hack saw method first and if I screw it up what the heck, I'm gettin' real good at replacing stuff on my rifle. Thank you rich and everyone else for the ideas.
:eek: Sorry about gettin' you two mixed up, you're both great guys. I'll try the hack saw method first and if I screw it up what the heck, I'm gettin' real good at replacing stuff on my rifle. Thank you Zonie and everyone else for the ideas.
Jaegermeister: ANY TIME!!
Nothin Ah likes better than heppin somone when Ah don't say a wurd.
Wait ah minit. Iffen Ah didnt say somethin, than how kud Ah a hepped ye? Tha mor ah thin about this tha mor ah'm a thinkin eether ye are konfused or ye ar a tellin me ah am mor hep when ah dont say nothin. :: :: :hmm:
Jeeze! I can't get my act together lately. How did I edit my mistake and end up with both replies shown and mixed up names twice in a row? Work stress I suppose.... 27 year old female with hypoxic brain injury, been to three facilities in the past four months with no improvement and the family/fiancee brings her to us expecting/pressuring us to get her walking, speaking and controling her arm movements again. :sorry: :eek:ff: I'll try to sharpen my forum skills. By the way Zonie, how do you notch your rear sights?
:eek: Sorry about gettin' you two mixed up, you're both great guys.

I have been called worse, can't remember when though... :crackup: :kid:

Sorry Stumpkiller... :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

No problem at my end... :redthumb:

Sorry about gettin' you two mixed up, you're both great guys.


I have been called worse, can't remember when though...

Sorry Stumpkiller...

No problem at my end...

Here for a minute I thought I had a masked secret identity and didn't even know about it.

We're easy to tell apart. He scares crows. I drink Old Crow. Look on pages 17 and 36 in the "Observer's Guide to Moderators; North American Edition".
My two cents worth (after all that is what we are here for). I like the hacksaw idea of Pierce. I don't grind mine though I just simply beat the teeth together using a hammer and a flat surface. And you won't have to worry about overheating it. It works very very well to get those narrow rear sight openings.
I will try the hammer flattened hacksaw blade method. I'll let you guys know how it works out.

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