cleaning after firing

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The trouble with the repeat oil hose down Cythia is that it attracts more dirt and fouling than does oil on just the bearing points and a light film on the interior surfaces.
Also the bolt cam on the hammer needs grease not just oil to properly lube the bolt fingers that ride over it and oil tends to dissolve the grease off. Mike D.
I get laughed at, but here goes: Field strip your pistol, take the wooden handles off, run a patch with solvent down the barrel and into each chamber. Then put it in the dishwasher, barrel and chambers vertical, and run it through a cycle. Take the parts out while still hot, spray and wipe down with WD40, then Remoil. Reassemble. I've been doing this for many years and never a spot of rust on my 1860 Army Colt replica. graybeard
laffindog said:
AZbpBurner said:
For all of my cap & ball revolvers, I completely disassemble, and clean everywhere on everything. WD-40 after a hot water rinse, then wipedown with Barricade. When I'm done, they're cleaner than when they left the factory.

That's why I don't own/shoot 'em. Way too feakin lazy to do that every time I shoot one.

Not complicated at all. No need to do all of that stuff. Just shoot and enjoy like any other black powder arm.

Warmest Regards,