Loading steps, always the same
I started shooting in the west. Could easily load ten shots without a wipe. Then moved to the Ozarks. Three or four shots my loads were tight, and had to hammer down more than one ball. Umph
I have used a lot of spit patch. It helps.
Learned to swab with a damp patch between shots from Rifleman76, it works for me.
Oh I have loaded without swabing, often since I started it, but it’s not what I normally do
Get you your pattern and do it. Don’t deviate or if you do make sure you need to and you aren’t going to screw up.
Powder, projectile all the way down, prime shoot.
Everything else is fluff. Ml are very forgiving of ball/patch size or conicals or lube.
A real man shoots flint, a wise man knows to use caps, if God wanted you to shoot smoothbore he wouldn’t have created rifles, if you can’t hit with a smoothie maybe you need another sport, bore butter will make your children stupid, bore butter saves ml for another century.
Learn what you do, watch and learn from others, pick up your ‘best’ and do it, cause your way is the best way.
By the by
Any man who doesn’t swab between shots would pun, eat mayonnaise on his French fries, put fruit slices in his beer and turn up his nose to haggis
In other words be an unsavory person to be around
Loading steps, always the same
I started shooting in the west. Could easily load ten shots without a wipe. Then moved to the Ozarks. Three or four shots my loads were tight, and had to hammer down more than one ball. Umph
I have used a lot of spit patch. It helps.
Learned to swab with a damp patch between shots from Rifleman76, it works for me.
Oh I have loaded without swabing, often since I started it, but it’s not what I normally do
Get you your pattern and do it. Don’t deviate or if you do make sure you need to and you aren’t going to screw up.
Powder, projectile all the way down, prime shoot.
Everything else is fluff. Ml are very forgiving of ball/patch size or conicals or lube.
A real man shoots flint, a wise man knows to use caps, if God wanted you to shoot smoothbore he wouldn’t have created rifles, if you can’t hit with a smoothie maybe you need another sport, bore butter will make your children stupid, bore butter saves ml for another century.
Learn what you do, watch and learn from others, pick up your ‘best’ and do it, cause your way is the best way.
By the by
Any man who doesn’t swab between shots would pun, eat mayonnaise on his French fries, put fruit slices in his beer and turn up his nose to haggis
In other words be an unsavory person to be around