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32 Cal.
Nov 23, 2013
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My last deer hunt for the season and man was it cold. I was looking for a doe but stalked up on two small bucks. They were both curled up in their beds. I watched them for 10 minutes before the wind changed and gave me up. Great season overall.
Temps like that was why I moved back South from N-D-ANNER back in the late 70's....Not to mention all the white stuff that falls from the sky. :youcrazy: :v
Opps the memories of the cold is affecting my brain, I just double clutched the post button. :redface:
It's getting up to 32 degrees today where I am at. It's been in the single digits all week. The winds are 18-20 with gusts of 40 mph. I am not going out; not worth getting sick to me.
2*F here this AM in south central Pa. I'm going out hunting......for a new TV. :haha: It was 15*F yesterday morning in Va near the NC border, and I didn't go out then either. :shake: That's too cold for me to try and sit in an exposed stand, and my cameras didn't record enough activity for me to freeze my PRBs. :rotf:
I just came in, can't stand it once my feet get cold. Warmer this morning (10) than yesterday morning (4) but the wind was blowing the snow out of the trees onto me, and the deer never seem to move much when the wind is up. Still enjoyed watching the squirrels and birds at sunup, and also saw a nice looking hawk gliding along.

I've got to find my electric socks, the heat tabs/toe warmer things just don't cut it.
Similar temps here in New England. Winter seemed to settle in early this year with December. All of our regional deer and turkey seasons are closed now, and these kinds of conditions just don't motivate me to guy buy a new 2014 license yet just to chase squirrels. To tell the truth, I doubt I would go out when it is this cold even if the deer season were still open. I really admire the grit of you guys who are still out there.
Primitive snowshoe biathlon season is here too and it would ordinarily be a good time to do a little winter scouting and shooting on snowshoes to prep for going to one of those events. The deep snowpack is a problem though since you cannot get a vehicle off the road and park in most places now. Looks like I will just have to stay on here and entertain everyone with my wit.
will5a1 said:
I've got to find my electric socks, the heat tabs/toe warmer things just don't cut it.

I use those "toe warmer" packs in the ends of my mittens when its really cold, but not in my boots.
XXX said:
I really admire the grit of you guys...

Eschew grits!

Achew -- the cold. Single digits to mid-20's 'round these parts. Was out in it all day today -- too often sweating actually. In the sun it was actually quite nice. My secret? Boxers over briefs!

Coldest morning I hunted this year was -22F. Had an 8 point showing up closer and closer to shooting light so I figured it was worth it. He had been right in front of my stand the day before at 7:35am, but I was in town. So out I went, wearing way to many clothes.
I sat there from 6:45 to 9:15 and never saw anything. Noon that day the neighbor called to tell me about the nice 8 point he shot at 7:20, standing under his wife's bird feeder. His gun was in the truck so he snuck out the back door and shot it with his crossbow. I guess you can't win em all!
At least the wife had coffee on when I staggered in.
i dont see how you guys do it but my hats off to ya :hatsoff:
took both my grandsons with me yesterday (8 & 5), it never got below 40 though it was pretty windy and even though i usually have to threaten them with hanging to get em in the tub or shower yesterday they were talking about how good a hot bath was gonna feel and when i came in after feeding dogs the trail of clothes started at the back door and ended at the edge of the tub where they were happily neck deep, yep their florida boys through and through. :grin:

They are saying tomorrow we will have a high temp of -14. Temp is already falling here. Was 3 above earlier and last look it had dropped to 2 and maybe lower yet by now. I'm going to shoot my bow at the local shop (indoors).
Deer season here started out as usual, warmish and no snow.

By the second week however, it got C-O-L-D! By week 4 (muzzlelodaer season) temps were in the teens and windchill was below zero. But, the hunting was good! I shot this button buck with my .54 Renegade 3 days before season closed. He was the third I'd shot this season, even though I had one more tag, I either had to buy another freezer or stop hunting. I stayed home, warm and snug, eating venison sausage! LOL! Sorry the pic is so blurry, I was really cold!

I live in Jamestown, NY, about 60 miles south of Buffalo. I hunt mostly in the area surrounding the thriving megalopolis of Niobe, about a mile north of the PA border. Lake-effect snow country!!
You folks "up there" are "tougher" than me. :hatsoff: = When I was stationed at Ft McCoy, WI, we MPs & game wardens routinely rescued dogs, WT deer (We had a WY cowboy, who was a 95B20, that was an "artist" with a lariat.) & sometimes PEOPLE from deep snow. - The same happened, I'm told, regularly at Camp Grayling, MN.
(I remember one time that a parachute unit out of Ft Bragg, NC "jumped into" McCoy & at least two of the paratroopers "disappeared into a snowbank" & had to be dug out by their unit's members.)

yours, satx
Yeah! LOL! There have been years that were kinda' gruesome, 2011 was like that. It started snowing on the third or fourth day of deer season (mid-November) and just never stopped! :shocked2: By day seven you couldn't get into the woods without snowshoes, not that it mattered, the deer weren't moving at all. Lotsa' winter kill in this area that year! Oh well, just gotta' have a sense of humor, I guess! It has to be even worse for you guys in Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Dakota's, yes?
Camp Grayling is in MI, not MN, and is best avoided winter, spring, summer and fall. My memories of McCoy are not all that great either, but it was a better training post than Grayling, at least from an FA point of view.
You are 100% CORRECT about the state abbreviation & I simply didn't catch the DUMB-bunny error.

I do miss the early season hunting & trout fishing (and the GOOD FRIENDS that I made at both posts) at Ft McCoy (Also the WONDERFUL cheese) & at Ft Pickett, VA but definitely do NOT miss the snow/ice/sleet/freezing rain at either place. - Also Ft Drum, NY (MORE of the same BAD/FRIGID weather) isn't "one of my favorite assignments", either.

yours, satx
Camp Grayling is not that bad once you get used to it. I am between main post and the air to ground range complex, right in a snow belt. We are just over 100" of snow for the season so far. Once the snow gets deep you got to have those snowshoes if you want to get in the woods.
Once the lakes freeze up the lake effect calms down though so cold is good.
Usually our deer head for the swamps and down by the rivers once deep snow hits.
The up side is the hunting pressure is a lot less. I usually never see anyone in the woods during muzzleloader season.