Colt ships arms to the Confederates.

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I've never heard that but smokeless pressure is only about 50% higher than blackpowder.
It would depend on which kind of smokeless powder you are talking about.
There are significant differences in pressures generated by different powders.
I've never heard that but smokeless pressure is only about 50% higher than blackpowder.
No shifting blame. Just the realization that the winning side gets to control the narrative and write the history books and those books don't always tell the truth. All you're doing is clinging to the popular version, which most people do. Folks like yourself seem incapable of having any perspective but your own.

The undeniable facts are that the CSA obviously felt they had the right to secede. That after said secession, Fort Sumter was on South Carolina/CSA sovereign soil and occupied by what was then a foreign military. Unacceptable in any context. They were warned multiple times to vacate and they refused. So they did what they thought was necessary. IMHO, these are important distinctions when folks such as yourself throw around nonsense about who declared war on whom.

The war began when Lincoln's army invaded the South.

Of course, none of this would really be a big deal if people were not still repeating the same kind of vitriol to continue to demonize the South.
Nobody needs to demonize the south, So! Your history is right and anyone elses is wrong , per your statements. And your statements are of course not pure vitriol and should be blindly accepted by all . BUNK
ONLY? That's a big, 'only'!
The person I was responding to said 3x. Since we're talking about pistols and the person I was responding to referenced the Colt SAA specifically, the .45Colt runs about ~10-11,000psi with blackpowder and 14,000psi on smokeless. That's an increase of ~50%.

Nobody needs to demonize the south, So! Your history is right and anyone elses is wrong , per your statements. And your statements are of course not pure vitriol and should be blindly accepted by all . BUNK
Okay, so you're just a troll. Got it.
I figure that confederates didn't arson the colt factory.

Some think they arsond colts factory, but it wouldn't make sense.
What did they do that made sense to a reasonable person.
a bunch of fools bullied by the wealthy.
There is rederence to the methods used to conyrol the non wealthy populace, but not really easy to find.
They did fight well and hard for a doomed idea.
A tradjec war and all dead were Americans . I believe 160,000.
A tyradjic number given the population at the time.
In my family there were four dead.
My geandfather was named after the first union casualty a lieutenant from Ney York.

What did they do that made sense to a reasonable person.
a bunch of fools bullied by the wealthy.
There is rederence to the methods used to conyrol the non wealthy populace, but not really easy to find.
They did fight well and hard for a doomed idea.
A tradjec war and all dead were Americans . I believe 160,000.
A tyradjic number given the population at the time.
In my family there were four dead.
My geandfather was named after the first union casualty a lieutenant from Ney York.

Was that English?

~640,000 dead. I guess your figure is as accurate as the rest of your inflammatory blather.
It started with the Colt SAA in early 1890's, the SAA had a one piece frame instead of the 2 piece frame held together with the wedge. I read an article on this in one of my dad's older colt books / encyclopedias that Colt struggled to find a steel that was strong enough to take the high pressures created by smokeless powder which I believe is 3X that of black powder but was still economical enough for mass production to keep cost low. It's generally accepted that in 1900 at serial number 192000 that the SAA was certified for smokeless powder and were identified by a VP (Verified Proofed) proof mark on the left side of the trigger guard, but up to 1905 there were Colt revolvers leaving the Colt plant without the VP mark and also reports of revolvers without the VP mark being returned to Colt for warranty work and being returned to their owners with the VP mark. it was after 1905 the VP proof mark consistently appeared on every gun leaving the Colt factory.

Unfortunately my dad's collection of gun books mysteriously disappeared from the time dad passed away in Jan 2020 and my mom passing away in Aug 2020 so I cannot verify what I've written above, even the modern day Colt historical experts disagree as to when Colt fully transitioned from black powder to smokeless powder. I have seen it mentioned in several Colt SAA Forums that original Colt SAA revolvers built before 1900 be shot using only black powder loads and not smokeless powder loads due to the uncertainty of the integrity of the steel frames.

Now before anyone calls BS my dad was a huge collector of early Colt and Remington revolvers and Winchesters. I grew up living and breathing in Colt, Remington and Winchester history. Some of the early Colts dad owned included .36 Patterson, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Model Dragoons, a Walker Colt, numerous cased 1851 Navies and 1860 Armies and cased Remingtons.

It's probably for this reason I fire an original Colt 1851 Navy.

Dad passed away in January 2020 and mom passed away in Aug 2020, his gun collection was sold off years ago, he sure left one hell of an impression on me tho.

Attached in an article on dad after he retired from INCO.
Yea **** just don't walk off. I'd been livid over those books mysteriously disapearing
The South never declared war on the North. As I already said, the South seceded and Fort Sumter was on South Carolina soil and deemed a threat to the bay. They were warned to leave the fort or be taken forcefully. Lincoln called up the state militias to put down a "rebellion" and then proceeded to invade the south.

NBF was one of the greatest military leaders our country has ever produced. He formed the Klan because the republican party at the time was forcing freed blacks to vote for them. What it became later was not its original intent.

I ask again, what is your purpose here? You wanna rehash the whole thing all over again? You do realize that people have been arguing about this for 150yrs, right?
In addition, the North never declared war on the South.

Lincoln's objective was to save the Union.

During the election of 1860, Lincoln made it clear that he did not support abolition, but only sought to restrict the territorial expansion of slavery. However, the National Union ticket ran on a platform of abolishing slavery in 1864 and even won several southern states in the process.

There is no need to demonize the South. They did that all by themselves as their objective was to keep slave labor, and expand it west as the country expanded.

The South wanted to be recognized internationally as a separate country. Their cotton was the best in the world and Europe just wanted their cotton for their textile mills. After the war started Europe could not get quality cotton so it shut down their textile mills....and the profits that go with it.

Europe would not recognize the South as an independent country as if the South would have won, it would have created a significant rift between the North and Europe.
Colt was a businessman, supplying weapons was his trade. He died one of the wealthiest men in the world and he earned a lot of his money with military contracts.

Colt was just filling an order, he didn't know or probably care where they were going.

He sold revolvers to Russia and England too. The Russians ripped off the Colt Navy and made their own copies.

Colt has made sidearms and rifles in every American conflict since the Rangers used Patersons to fight the Indians to the present day. That's, doing the mental math.....just short of 190 years of being a US Govt contract weapons supplier.
Some nations have a well-known record of copying products without the permission of the designer, Russia and China are probably the most prolific but by no means are they the only ones. Russia kept a b29 that made an emergency landing and copied it. So much for allies.
Lincolns objective was take control of the custom houses in the south as that funded 99.99% of the US govt at that time. Then the US was a weak confederation of states and the state was the main govt. vs now. People swore a oath to their state and not the constitution of the USA. As Colt selling guns to whom ever it was a sale to a state not a government and what a state did with said guns was their issue not the US govts idea.

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