Confused on ramrod....32

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Dave lyon

Nov 5, 2019
Reaction score
just got my old sidelock traditions .32 down for a fall cleaning and broke my ramrod off at the pin. It was a darn nice one, wooden with a spiral burn on it. Anyhow, I’d like to replace it with a wooden one and I’m having trouble finding what I want. 30” barrel, where should I look? (I used to be on here as Homerdave, but that was many emails and two computers ago...thus the new account)
I've never bought a replacement ramrod, always used a hardwood dowel from hardware store and sanded it down, then relief carved the ends to take the cap. Look for one with straight grain, with no run-out,(this is the hard part). Last time i had almost emptied the bin at the "big-box" store before i found one.
When i was a kid i just got some sandpaper and went to town...taking me most of the afternoon. Recently went to a friend's, he had one mounted in his lathe and had it turned down using sandpaper in about 30 minutes or less.

But if you must buy one try TOW
Good luck.
Hello Dave,

Track will custom build a Hickory or Delrin rod as small as 5/16", Delrin is are very flexible and should be okay when used with the Crockett Rifle or any Traditions & CVA with the spring retainer. I purchased one for use with my Lyman's GPH, but the retainer on the barrel rib won't hold it in place. As far as Hickory, they are prone to breakage, be careful not to run it through your arm. Also, if you build a rod from a dowel "Don't Pin It", use a hot melt glue instead. By pinning something as small as a 5/16" rod trimmed to fit inside a brass tip will definitely create a weak spot.

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I can't stand the ram rod that came with my Crockett. What fraction of an inch is the size of the rod?
A very thin ramrod, like for your .32, is bound to be weak. With hickory a breakage can be dangerous. I suggest using Delrin. It is very flexy at that size but used properly (gripping low) will work for a lifetime. I have a phenolic rod that size that would work but cannot comment on it's strength. I just don't know. If interested pm me.
I measured my CVA 32 cal Squirrel Rifle Rod (Aluminum) at .275", and the Pedersoli 32 cal Pennsylvania at .310". The range rod I purchased for the Pedersoli measured .312" (5/16).

Hope this helps, AntiqueSledMan.
If it's right about 9mm it should be 23/64 if I remember correctly.
My .32 Crockett came with a wood rod but that was quite some years back. I used the rod at first but later made one from a coated fiberglass rod.
Just one point on rods. People use 3/8” or 7/16”, and can still break. An ittybitty rod like goes in a .32 can break real easy. Grasp your rod just a few inches above the muzzle and drive home in short strokes.
Track of the wolf, pecotonic Jedediah Star, log cabin ect all sell good hickory blanks, and all you have to do is sand them down and fit the tip. Not very much of a job.
But they can break with any sideways pressure. Keep the stokes short, hands no more then a few inches high to avoid bending.
For smaller caliber guns, would not recommend wooden dowels for a ramrod, as dowels are made (turned) without regards to how the grain runs. Ideally, you want a ramrod made from a split piece of wood (the splitting process follows the grain of the wood) for the most break resistance ramrod. For larger caliber guns that can use a 5/8” diameter ramrod for example, a hardwood dowel would work fine.
Every wooden ramrod I have had for my 32 broke. I don't recommend a dowel rod, but several have been used. Whatever a person finds work will have to be done to get it to fit. I got one from Dixie that was supposed to be for the old Dixie poor boy rifle. It was too big in diameter. I had to dress it down with sand paper. It works good, but I leave a wood rod in rifle. The new rod needs something to hold it in as it will just slide out of channel.
I made a sizer several years ago out of 1/4" plate. Bored different size holes and chamfered them to cut the diameter of rod as it is pulled through the plate.
Rifleman 1776, I am interested in the rod, but I cant figger out how to message you
Rifleman 1776, I am interested in the rod, but I cant figger out how to message you
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