My goal is to try and achieve an accurate load so can take this gun on a June bear hunt in New Brunswick. I promised myself I would not take this gun on the hunt unless I was 100% confident with it and therefore plan on shooting it all winter. The outfitter said the range for gun stands would be 50-75 yrds.
I've had two range sessions so far with this gun. First started at 70 gr 2f. Worked up 5gr at a time and whammo, at 85 gr the magical cloverleaf group appeared and I quit for the day. Even reported my findings to the wife who could care less!!!
Yesterday started with 85gr at 25 yrds again to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Same results so back to 65 I went. Figured I needed more powder at that distance so I jumped right to 100gr. Shots were 6-7" at best with no particular grouping pattern. Might not call it a group at all. Bumped up to 105 gr and same thing. Went back down to 85 gr just for the hell of it. Left scratching my head.
BTW, between all shots I would wipe with both sides of a wet patch then give it one side of a dry. Also, I've heard stories of Renegade stocks splitting at high powder charges so I'm hesitant to go much higher. Unsure if the stories are BS?