WCBP: If I were doing it, I would do as the others suggested and save up the money for a Left Hand Flintlock Kit.
IMO: Although a lot of people here praise the wonders of the Flintlock, it is not for everyone. It is a step back in time from the Precussion guns and has it's own set of challenges for the shooter to master.
Speaking for myself, there are times when I really want to shoot the Flintlocks, but there are also times I don't want to fool with them and would rather shoot my Precussions.
Now back to the subject:
I think the GPR has a LH Kit.
I know Dixie sold (in 2003) a Investarms "Hawken Rifle Kit" which looks similar to the TC Hawken in a Left hand Flintlock kit. It is a .50 caliber rifle and last year, Dixie Gunworks was asking $265.
Building these Factory kits isn't much different than building the Queen Anne was. There's just a lot more sanding and a little more fitting.
As for your comment, " had a ball making smoke with it but couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.", it helps a lot if your inside the barn. Don't forget to close the door before shooting :: and watch out for the bails of hay. They can ruin a good shot if you hit them! :: :: ::
Seriously, IMO a pistol like the QA, made without sights in the early 1700s was intended to be used at very close range.
If you really want to duplicate the situation, buy one of the full size mans torso type targets, set it about 10 yards away. Imagine it has a drawn sword and is threatening you and have at it. Any hit inside the mans figure scores!
If the wind picks up and the target actually attacks you, after you fire, don't forget the brass gargoyle on the butt of the grip. That's there for wacking the assailant up along side of the head.
Have fun!