What is DGW ?
What is DGW?? The holy bible of black powder shooting. Google Dixie Gun Works or better yet order their catalog(five or ten bucks) . They sell everything to do with ML shooting plus have lots of great information.
What is DGW ?
Dixie Gun WorksWhat is DGW ?
Dixie Gun Works, Union City, TNWhat is DGW ?
What is DGW ?
Dixie Gun Works I believe.What is DGW ?
What is DGW?? The holy bible of black powder shooting. Google Dixie Gun Works or better yet order their catalog(five or ten bucks) . They sell everything to do with ML shooting plus have lots of great information.
Most likely Dixie Gun Works.What is DGW ?
I use the spine of my belt-knife. Just a few taps are needed to sharpen the edge and nothing special to carry.Believing that there is "No such thing as a stupid question other than the one 'not' asked...", I'll put this question out there for replies, as I'm thinking the experiences and insights shared may be helpful to others too.
I am aware there are other tools to use too -- the edge of the frizzen, a brass rod, a steel nail with ground-down (smaller diameter) tip, or some type of copper pressure tool.
I've made similar tools using brass rod. I would be leery of using a hardened steel rod on a flint above the pan. I know you have used your tool for 30 years, but I would want to use something that couldn't make sparks. Leaving the steel soft is reasonable and I have noticed a couple of turn screws to flake off the edge of my flints.[/QUOTE After reading your post I thought of a cold chisel . I am a welder and have been in the metal industry since the early 80's. I researched cold chisel which I thought would create no sparks. Well I am very humbled but now I know different.