I would like the opinion of your experience here. Is there any merit to having a ball/patch combination which is hard to start and ram, and accuracy? If I can start and ram my ball/patch with relative ease will accuracy suffer, or will a ball/patch combination which I must use a starter and use some effort in ramming home provide more accuracy? Generally speaking of course. The results would be the same regardless of ball diameter and patch thickness. In other words, would any caliber which is easier to ram home less accurate than one which must be pounded in?
Logic says that our forebears used combinations which were not very difficult to ram, otherwise they would have had to carry a starter and a range rod which are more recent inventions.
I don't think my ancestor at the Battle for New Orleans had the time to pound in a round, swab, then pound in another round in the heat of the assault on his breastworks. Faster reloading had a lot of merit
Logic says that our forebears used combinations which were not very difficult to ram, otherwise they would have had to carry a starter and a range rod which are more recent inventions.
I don't think my ancestor at the Battle for New Orleans had the time to pound in a round, swab, then pound in another round in the heat of the assault on his breastworks. Faster reloading had a lot of merit