The cost of a custom rifle all depends on the rifle you want, the parts involved in making such, and the builders fee.
Also some guys consideer a hand made plain rifle a custom rifle of a lifetime & to some people a custom rifle comes from Williamsburg... It all depends on what YOU want.
Some rifles require parts that are all hand made. A fabulously striped stock cost more than a plain stock. Inlays & carvings cost more. Special barrels cost more, special locks cost more, etc.
A well known or famous builder demands a higher fee for building because they can get it. A builder from Williamsburg could be 4-5 times the cost of a "not so well known" builder simply because of demand & reputation & how the rifle was actually built... Making the parts or buying the parts..... Also the quality of the workmanship is taken into consideration of the price.... You should not expect a $8000 rifle for $1500.
Cost also depends on what You want. If you want a PC totally hand made rifle with a hand made barrel, lock, etc, you best go get a loan.... as we are talking from 5 to 12K for one and I don't blame the builder a bit, they earned it. Think of it a minute, they work on a rifle every day all day for 8 months to a year ? And if he screws up in the middle of it ya trash it & start over ......
On the general custom builder, I think you will find the normal price to build a custom rifle to be in the neighborhood of $ 1000. and up building fee Plus Parts for a starter. Now you start throwing in carvings, inlays, fancy wood, etc, you are going to add up quickly. When the builder is done with the rifle & he deducts his expenses of building it, he will actually be lucky to have made $ 2. an hour..... :huh: And most of the time he doesn't make that. Most of todays rifle builders, build rifles for fun, hobby, or retired & have something to do, etc. They work on a rifle for 2-3-4 months for very little pay, I can tell ya that for from experience.... (Most of the time we are generaly referred to as Fools....)
However, my experience of them is you can get a real nice custom rifle for $ 1500 to $ 2000. and some Superb ones from $2000. to $3000. Unfortunately the cost of the parts & especially the cost of superb wood is on a sharp rise....
The cost of all the parts alone with a superb piece of wood now is $800 to $1000. (Really nice wood & parts, not the bare bottom stuff) Once in a while you will find a bargan rifle already built at $1000-1500 and that is a real deal if it is built right.
Also the price depends somewhat on the style of the rifle. It cost more in parts & 3-4 times as long in build time to build & carve a fancy G.Jaeger than it does to make a TN or a Poorboy rifle...
Look at it this way....... A feller will borrow $35000. to buy a truck that will last him 7-8 years & he will scrap it. Plus he will pay insurance of $100-300 a month to drive it for 7-8 years. (that is $1400 min a year just for the Ins. !) ......... for that 3-4 months Truck payment & Ins. payments he could have a Custom rifle that will last 500 years or more...... Ya buy the rifle one time & it is paid for...
So it all boils down to what ya want the most. A rifle of a lifetime and save for it & get it ? Or not....
On a last note.... Having a custom rifle made doen't mean it shoots better or you will shoot better. It means you own a nice rifle. Same as autos.... they all drive, they are just different means of transportation....